Writing an Android and iOS application using Xamarin.Forms - brython-dev/brython GitHub Wiki

With Brython you can write applications in Python that run in modern browsers, including most of smartphones browsers. But you can also write native Android and iOS applications : this page explains how to do it, taking the example of a basic "Hello world" application using Xamarin.Forms

1. Installation Xamarin.Forms and development environment

The first step is to install the latest version of Visual Studio (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/get-started/installation/?pivots=windows) and if you prefer as me JetBrain IDE-s then install Rider

2. Main View of Application

Xamarin.Forms is cross-platform framework written in C# that allow to write once and run everywhere UI Application ( on most of the platforms ;) )

The Main Page of entire application is set in App.cs of BrythonMobile project

using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;

[assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]

namespace BrythonMobile
    public partial class App : Application
        public App()

            MainPage = new LocalHtmlBaseUrl {Title = "BaseUrl" };

        protected override void OnStart()
            // Handle when your app starts

        protected override void OnSleep()
            // Handle when your app sleeps

        protected override void OnResume()
            // Handle when your app resumes

3. Write the Brython application

In this example, we only use brython.js and index.html holds a basic "Hello" application:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hello world</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script src="brython.js"></script>
    <body onload="brython(1)">
        <script type="text/python">
        from browser import document, alert
        def echo(ev):
            alert("Hello {} !".format(document["zone"].value))
        document["test"].bind("click", echo)
        <p>Your name is : <input id="zone" autocomplete="off">
        <button id="test">click !</button>


Test project you can find by the following link

You can download the test project by the following link from GitHub:

BrythonMobile Test Project

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