FirefoxOS Creating a webapp application - brython-dev/brython GitHub Wiki

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Building your own webapp : application logic

Create a Python program called ; in index.html, just after the body tag, add this line

<script src="" type="text/python3"></script>

This will make the Brython engine load and run the script

The first lines of will import the built-in Brython names used to interact with the application

from browser import document

All the keys in the keyboard are inside html anchors (tags <a href="#">...</a>). The object document can find all the anchors by :

anchors = document.get(selector='a')

Since you are debugging the appliation, it is useful to control that you really get the anchors, so you can add the line


which will print the anchors list in the browser console

Ok, so is

from browser import document

anchors = document.get(selector="a")

Reload the page in the browser and open the console (Tools > Web developer > Web console). In the console, you should see a list of elements

<DOMNode object type 'ELEMENT' name 'A'>

Each of the anchor object has an attribute text ; you can see what this attribute is by changing the last line by

print(list(anchor.text for anchor in anchors))

This prints ['7', '8', '9', '÷', '4', '5', '6', '*', '1', '2', '3', '-', '.', '0', '=', '+'] in the console

To define what happens when the user clicks on an anchor, Brython uses the syntax

anchor.bind('click', callback)

where callback is a function taking a DOMEvent instance as argument. In this application, we will use the same callback function for all the keys

from browser import document

anchors = document.get(selector="a")

def callback(ev):

for anchor in anchors:
    anchor.bind('click', callback)

With these bindings, when the user hits a key, the text on this key in printed in the console (the attribute target of the DOMEvent object is the anchor itself)

This is not exactly what we want : the text should be entered in the entry field. This entry field has the id "entry", and Brython gets a reference to the field by document["entry"]. The callback function can be changed to

def callback(ev):
    document["entry"].value +=

This is ok for most keys, but we must handle those that are supposed to compute a result. The complete code of below should be self-explanatory

from browser import document
import math

anchors = document.get(selector="a")
entry = document["entry"]

def callback(ev):
    txt =
    if txt=='C':
        entry.value = ''
    elif txt=='<' and entry.value:
        entry.value = entry.value[:-1]
    elif txt=='=':
            entry.value = eval(entry.value)
            entry.value = 'error'
    elif txt=='√¯':
            entry.value = math.sqrt(float(entry.value))
            entry.value = 'error'
    elif txt=="1/x":
            entry.value = 1/float(entry.value)
            entry.value = 'error'    
        entry.value +=

for anchor in anchors:
    anchor.bind('click', callback)

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