alert - bruno-beloff/scs_analysis GitHub Wiki
docs > software repositories > scs_analysis > commands > alerts
The alert utility is used to create, update, delete or find alert specifications.
Alerts take the form of emails. These are sent when a parameter falls below or above specified bounds, or when the value is null (a null value is being reported, or no reports are available). The alert specification sets these bounds, together with the aggregation period. One of two types of period may be specified:
- Recurring - a period of a given number of minutes, hours or days. Recurring periods are sampled back-to back.
- Diurnal - a daily period with given start time and end times. Diurnal periods are sampled immediately after the end time.
In --find mode, results can be filtered by description, topic, field or email address. Finder matches are exact.
When doing an update, the cc list (-g flag) may be preceded with:
- a - add the following email address(es)
- r - remove the following email address(es)
If neither indicator is used, then the specified email address(es) replace the current ones.
A history of out-of-bounds events for each alert specification can be found using the alert_status utility.
The --credentials flag is only required where the user wishes to store multiple identities. Setting the credentials is done interactively using the command line interface. { -z | [-c CREDENTIALS] { -F | -R ID | -C | -U ID | -D ID } [-d DESCRIPTION] [-p TOPIC] [-f FIELD] [-l LOWER] [-u UPPER] [-n { 0 | 1 }] [{ -r INTERVAL UNITS TIMEZONE | -t START END TIMEZONE }] [-a { 0 | 1 }] [-j { 0 | 1 }] [-s { 0 | 1 }] [-i INDENT] [-v] [-e EMAIL_ADDR] [-g [{ a | r }] EMAIL_ADDR_1 .. EMAIL_ADDR_N]}
Options | |
--version | show program's version number and exit |
-h, --help | show this help message and exit |
-c CREDENTIALS_NAME, --credentials=CREDENTIALS_NAME | the stored credentials to be presented |
-z, --zones | list the available timezone names to stderr |
-F, --find | find alerts for given description, topic, field or email |
-R RETRIEVE_ID, --retrieve=RETRIEVE_ID | retrieve alert with given ID |
-C, --create | create alert |
-U UPDATE_ID, --update=UPDATE_ID | update alert with given ID |
-D DELETE_ID, --delete=DELETE_ID | delete alert with given ID |
-d DESCRIPTION, --description=DESCRIPTION | description |
-p TOPIC, --topic-path=TOPIC | topic path |
-f FIELD, --field=FIELD | field |
-l LOWER_THRESHOLD, --lower-threshold=LOWER_THRESHOLD | lower threshold |
-u UPPER_THRESHOLD, --upper-threshold=UPPER_THRESHOLD | upper threshold |
-n ALERT_ON_NONE, --alert-on-none=ALERT_ON_NONE | alert on none (default false) |
-r RECURRING_PERIOD, --recurring-period=RECURRING_PERIOD | aggregation interval, units { D | H | M } and timezone |
-t DIURNAL_PERIOD, --diurnal-period=DIURNAL_PERIOD | aggregation start, end and timezone |
-t TIMED_PERIOD, --timed-period=TIMED_PERIOD | aggregation start and end |
-a CONTIGUOUS_ALERTS, --contiguous-alerts=CONTIGUOUS_ALERTS | raise alerts on contiguous exceedence (default true) |
-j JSON_MESSAGE, --json-message=JSON_MESSAGE | message body is JSON (default false) |
-s SUSPENDED, --suspended=SUSPENDED | suspended (default false) |
-e EMAIL, --email=EMAIL | email To address (any on find) |
-g, --cc-list | email CC list |
-i INDENT, --indent=INDENT | pretty-print the output with INDENT |
-v, --verbose | report narrative to stderr | -vi4 -c super -Fe [email protected] -vi4 -c super -C -d be2-3-nightime-test -p south-coast-science-dev/development/loc/1/climate -f val.tmp -u 10 -n 1 -t 16:00 8:00 Europe/London -e [email protected] -g [email protected]
{ "id": 85, "description": "", "topic": "south-coast-science-demo/brighton-urban/loc/1/particulates", "field": "exg.val.pm2p5", "lower-threshold": null, "upper-threshold": 20.0, "alert-on-none": false, "aggregation-period": { "type": "recurring", "interval": 1, "units": "M", "timezone": "Europe/London" }, "contiguous-alerts": false, "json-message": false, "creator-email-address": "[email protected]", "to": "[email protected]", "cc-list": [], "suspended": false }
{ "id": 107, "description": "be2-3-nightime-test", "topic": "south-coast-science-dev/development/loc/1/climate", "field": "val.tmp", "lower-threshold": null, "upper-threshold": 10.0, "alert-on-none": false, "aggregation-period": { "type": "diurnal", "start": "20:00:00", "end": "09:50:00", "timezone": "Europe/London" }, "contiguous-alerts": true, "json-message": false, "creator-email-address": "[email protected]", "to": "[email protected]", "cc-list": [ "[email protected]" ], "suspended": false }
The --test-interval flag is not currently in use, and is ignored.