Raising Issues - brumster/EDTracker2 GitHub Wiki
A bit of history
This Git repository was created originally to hold the open source code related to DIY EDTracker, and at the time a separate web site hosted and paid for by the EDTracker company (www.edtracker.org.uk) held documentation, guide articles and software related to it. The EDTracker company stopped trading in 2020 and so the website disappeared, along with many support articles and guides.
Historic material
In an attempt to provide some of this old material, it has been uploaded into this repository for reference : Documentation Software
Raising issues not related to code defects
I am starting to get a lot of issues raised on this repo that are not related to problems in the source code but are instead asking for assistance in building devices, debugging hardware issues, reviewing home-brew solutions, etc. I don't really want to get involved in supporting a global community of DIY EDTracker builders on how to solder, or how to figure out why their Windows installation isn't working, or how to configure EDTracker for DCS World using Opentrack, etc :). If I start responding to every ticket that's unrelated to an actual software defect, it will not be long before I'm effectively doing EDTracker company tasks - with the added bonus of doing it all for absolutely nothing financially!
Now because I don't want to be an a$$hole about it, I will keep the issues in the repository but will flag them with a "community support" label. These issues will be incredibly low priority for me, and I possibly won't even respond, but hopefully others on the good old t'interweb will see that persons plight and offer assistance.
Apologies if this sounds unreasonable but I left the EDTracker company many years ago and while I'm totally happy to accept responsibility for the source code that is present in this repo, I never had any intention of becoming a one-man global hardware support line for DIY EDTracker :) !