New System Architecture Nov 16, 2017 - brownfield-team/anacapa-github-linker GitHub Wiki


The new architecture of the application will be centered around 3 engines, each providing additional functionality (but functional in its own right)

  • anacapa-github-linker - all this engine does is...

    • supports an admin view that manages instructors
    • allows instructors to create courses
    • instructor can upload a roster to a course
    • a student can login with github & link their github account to a course when they are on its roster
    • this is essentially the role the old course-github-org-tool performed minus its auto-grading components.
  • ancapa-turnin - this engine will...

    • allow for the creation of assignments
    • allow students to form 'pairs' or groups for assignments
    • allow students to create a starter code repository
    • allow course staff to review work in progress on assignments (through a view that shows the repos for all assignments for all students in the course, organized either by student, or by assignment)
    • eventually, provides a way for course staff to enter grades that are based on manual inspection of code.
  • anacapa-autograder - this engine will ...

    • extend anacapa-turnin with hooks to automatically grade assignments when possible and store the grades in grade repositories