AF Hack Day 2019 - brownfield-team/anacapa-github-linker GitHub Wiki

Some notes from AF Hack Day 2019

npx create-react-app users

Put webpacker in the Gemfile

rails webpacker:install
rails webpacker:install:react
npm run build

Getting GitHub developer credentials

Visit your GitHub profile > Settings > Developer Tools > New GitHub App

Setting up the environment

  • At the root directory of the project, make a copy of .env.example by running: cp .env.example
  • Use the credentials provided by GitHub to fill out the OMNI-AUTH variables
  • Run . to export the variables in the terminal you plan on running the backend from, otherwise the server won't know about those credentials.
    • Note: you'll need to export this for every new terminal window you plan on running the backend from.
  • bundle install and bundle exec rails server to get your now GitHub enabled app up on localhost:3000.
    • Note: if you have trouble with the pg gem, try gem uninstall pg and immediately reinstalling with gem install pg.