Ways to support ggplot2 - brodieG/ggplot2 GitHub Wiki

  • Cite ggplot2! Cost: zero. Effort: low

    The easiest way to support ggplot2 is to remember to cite it when you publish your work. You can get the citation by running citation("ggplot2") in R.

  • Buy the ggplot2 book. Cost: low. Effort: low.

  • Buy me something off my amazon wish list. Cost: low. Effort: low.

    I love getting packages ;)

  • Host an intern. Cost: medium. Effort: medium.

    Would you like to have a talented Rice grad or undergrad work with your over summer? I often have students looking for summer work. Let me know if you're interested.

  • Fund a grad student. Cost: high. Effort: high

    If you have $40,000 lying around and you'd like to get some significant research done, you could hire a grad student for a year or two. It may also be possible to combine your funds with NSF grant money to reduce the cost.