Iteration 3 Plan - breezjirasak/ku-polls GitHub Wiki


Add user authentication and allow each user only 1 vote per poll.


  1. A visitor can login and logout.
  2. Only an authenticated (logged in) user can submit a vote.
  3. Anyone can view the list of polls and poll results (same as before)
  4. A user can change his vote on a poll during the voting period, and his new vote replaces his old vote.
  5. If a user selects a poll he already voted for, the list of choices shows which choice he/she previously selected. For example, a radio button is pre-selected for his previous vote.
  6. Add a link to “Login” or “Logout” to the polls index page.


All tasks should be recorded on Project Board for Iteration 3.

  1. Enable user authentication.
  2. User can login and logout.
  3. User can signup.
  4. User can vote only one vote and user can change the vote.
  5. Radio button for previous vote.
  6. Write unit tests.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. User can login and logout.
  2. User can register.
  3. User can change the vote and vote only one vote.
  4. All unites should be pass.

Retrospective Summary

In this iteration, I enable user authentication. So, user can login, logout and register also. User can vote only one vote and user can change the vote. All of this make me more understandable about Django and make me know about user authentication.