MOS API ‐ Virtual Keyboard - breakintoprogram/agon-docs GitHub Wiki

This feature was introduced from MOS 1.04 RC2 and VDP 1.04 RC2

The Virtual Keyboard was set up primarily for BBC BASIC to emulate INKEY(-n), where n is one of the numbers in the virtual keycode list in this article. It allows for the user to detect multiple key presses from within a BASIC program. Where possible, the numbers match those in the Acorn standard for compatibility with typed-in programs.

Example: Check for cursor keys being pressed in BASIC

   10 CLS
   20 PRINT TAB(0,0);
   30 PRINT "UP ";INKEY(-58);" "
   40 PRINT "DOWN ";INKEY(-42);" "
   50 PRINT "LEFT ";INKEY(-26);" "
   60 PRINT "RIGHT ";INKEY(-122);" "
   70 GOTO 20


It is possible to read this keymap directly; it is stored in a bit-packed 16-byte table, where each bit position corresponds to a value in the table, where bit 0 is keycode 1 and bit 127 is keycode 128.

Example: Reading a virtual keycode in ADL mode (24-bit):

	MOSCALL	mos_getkbmap
	BIT	1, (IX + 3)		; Test bit 25 of the virtual keymap (keycode 26 = LEFT)

Example: Reading a virtual keycode in Z80 mode (16-bit):

	MOSCALL	mos_getkbmap
	BIT.LIL	1, (IX + 15)		; Test bit 121 of the virtual keymap (keycode 122 = RIGHT)

Virtual Keycodes

Code Key Code Key Code Key Code Key
-1 Shift -17 Q -33 F0/Print -49 1
-2 Ctrl -18 3 -34 W -50 2
-3 Alt -19 4 -35 E -51 D
-4 Left Shift -20 5 -36 T -52 R
-5 Left Ctrl -21 F4 -37 7 -53 6
-6 Left Alt -22 8 -38 I -54 U
-7 Right Shift -23 F7 -39 9 -55 O
-8 Right Ctrl -24 - -40 0 -56 P
-9 Right Alt -25 ^ -41 _ -57 [
-10 Mouse Select -26 Left -42 Down -58 Up
-11 Mouse Menu -27 Keypad 6 -43 Keypad 8 -59 Keypad +
-12 Mouse Adjust -28 Keypad 7 -44 Keypad 9 -60 Keypad -
-13 -29 F11 -45 Break -61 Keypad Enter
-14 -30 F12 -46 ` ~ -62 Insert
-15 -31 F10 -47 -63 Home
-16 -32 Scroll Lock -48 Backspace -64 PgUp
-65 Caps Lock -81 Shift Lock -97 TAB -113 Escape
-66 A -82 S -98 Z -114 F1
-67 X -83 C -99 Space -115 F2
-68 F -84 G -100 V -116 F3
-69 Y -85 H -101 B -117 F5
-70 J -86 N -102 M -118 F6
-71 K -87 L -103 , < -119 F8
-72 @ -88 ; -104 . > -120 F9
-73 : -89 ] -105 / ? -121
-74 Return -90 Delete -106 Copy/End -122 Right
-75 Keypad / -91 -107 Keypad 0 -123 Keypad 4
-76 Keypad Del -92 Keypad * -108 Keypad 1 -124 Keypad 5
-77 Keypad . -93 Keypad , -109 Keypad 3 -125 Keypad 2
-78 Num Lock -94 Keypad = + -110 -126 WinLeft
-79 PgDn -95 -111 -127 WinRight
-80 -96 _ -112 -128 WinMenu