GXEntityVX - boxgaming/gx GitHub Wiki

Gets or sets the horizontal velocity (vx) of the specified entity. The value of the horizontal velocity (vx) is specified as the number of pixels per second. A positive value indicates movement to the right. A negative value indicates movement to the left.


GXEntityVX entityId%, vx% vx% = GXEntityVX (entityId%)


  • Entity for which the horizontal velocity (vx) will be set or returned is specified by the entityId% parameter. This id is returned by the GXEntityCreate function or can be accessed by its user id by the GX function.
  • The horizontal velocity is specified by the vx% parameter.


Example1: Increase the current x velocity by 10 pixels per second.

vx% = GXEntityVX(warhog)
GXEntityVX warhog, vx% + 10

See Also

GXEntityCreate GXEntityX GXEntityY GXEntityMove GXEntityPos GXEntityVY GX