Initial Setup (All At Once) - boxalino/rtux-integration-magento2 GitHub Wiki

The content of this wiki page matches the integration scenario - All-At-Once

It is described in the Building Up the Integration Layer All-At-Once chapter

Upon request (on setup channel/email), the Boxalino team can assist a full-feature deploy for integration process kick-off.

When your own integration module has been created, please share the namespace in order for your Boxalino contact to load the Layout Blocks and set the default narrative layouts in the account. Reach out on Slack whenever this is done.

The full integration repository must be replicated ONLY if a full-feature test is desired. Otherwise, create a simple Magento2 module and follow the integration per your project features requirement.


The dependencies have to be added to your project (based on the tags/branches declared dependencies):

  • composer require boxalino/rtux-magento2 (add version if restricted environment)
  • composer require boxalino/exporter-magento2 (add version if restricted environment)
  • php bin/magento module:enable Boxalino_RealTimeUserExperience Boxalino_Exporter

If there is no requirement of a full-feature integration, please use the tag as a source for the integration layer base.


  1. Copy (not clone!) the integration repository in your own private module/project codebase

  2. Change the namespace by:

    • update your project`s the composer.json dependencies and psr-4 declaration as seen on composer.json
    • update/replace the registration.php
    • replacing the BoxalinoClientProject\BoxalinoIntegration with your own project namespace
    • replacing the BoxalinoClientProject_BoxalinoIntegration with your own project namespace
  3. Load the elements JSON in Boxalino Inteligence Admin:

    a) Communicate your project namespace back to Boxalino and we will load the elements JSON

    b) do it yourself by following the instructions from the JSON Guidelines page.

  4. Activate the plugins (Magento2 way)

    • your plugin activation
  5. Generic Magento2 deployment events (flush cache / run setup:upgrade / setup:di:compile depending on your environment/ re-compile the theme)

  6. Set plugin configurations (for framework and exporter)

    • set the exporter configuration per websites
    • disable the plugins (framework and exporter) where it is not in use.
    • more information available on Configurations wiki
  7. Run the exporter to kick-off the data index

    • php bin/magento indexer:reindex boxalino_exporter
  8. The navigation, search, autocomplete will be replaced immediately

For more details (sorting, facets, etc) please check the available documentation.

Please be aware that the API request will not be possible until there is an active data index for the account (step #7).

Please be aware that the Narrative layout, Facets and Layout Blocks -- matching your API response -- are found in Boxalino Intelligence Admin

Please be aware that the Layout Blocks, Facets & Narratives must be configured in Boxalino Intelligence Admin in order for the API requests to return any content.

The provided JSON samples for the Narrative layout and the Layout blocks are found in Boxalino Intelligence Admin

Integration Review

Once the code-base is complete with the Data Exporter Layer, Data Framework Layer and the Integration Layer, the integration team must review & adapt every feature integration as presented here