Exporter - boxalino/rtux-integration-magento2 GitHub Wiki
The Data Exporter Layer is replaced by the Data Integration Layer. For integrations to come, please use the DI plugin: https://github.com/boxalino/data-integration-magento2
Check the documentation for migrating to the Data Integration Layer https://github.com/boxalino/rtux-integration-magento2/wiki/DI:-Migration-from-Exporter-to-Data-Integration
Before you continue, make sure the required integration steps have been completed.
The Magento2 data exporter is isolated in a dedicated repository which can be used as a dependency for the integration layer.
With the use of the Boxalino account it is possible to create 2 data indexes: production (your live setup) and development (staging area).
The account name, password and the data index have to be configured in the data-exporter repository as well.
In case you plan on using both data indexes, there is a timing restriction: the development data index must be updated at least 2 hours after the production index.
The export options have been designed as generic Magento 2 indexers. They can be identified in the Magento`s System >> Index Management view.
- The Boxalino Exporter (Full) must be executed once/day. The time of the execution has to be after your store data has been updated by the other 3rd party events.
It requires to be configured with the Magento Indexer mode "Update on Save".
- The Boxalino Delta Exporter can be executed as often as every 25 min. Beware, there should be no delta exports for the 2 hours after a full data export.
It can be configured with the Magento Indexer mode "Update by Schedule". When not, the products export logic will rely on the catalog_product_entity.updated_at field to identify latest changes in the products.
The exporter can be executed with the use of the Magento cron jobs.
- Edit & save the Boxalino Exporter configurations in your Magento Store Configurations.
- Set the Indexer Mode per your project specification (integrator`s choice)
- Create a crontab.xml in which the crons can be defined. Pay attention to the scheduler times
<group id="default">
<job name="boxalino_exporter_delta" instance="Boxalino\Exporter\Model\Indexer\Delta" method="executeFull">
<schedule>*/30 7-23 * * *</schedule>
<job name="boxalino_exporter" instance="Boxalino\Exporter\Model\Indexer\Full" method="executeFull">
<schedule>15 2 * * *</schedule>
Add the cron job only for the indexer that uses the "Update on Save" mode (check the Index Management view in Magento2 back-end)
- If mview is enabled for the project (generally used as part of a 30min-cron), configure the schedule time to ensure that delta exports do not happen more often than every 30min. https://github.com/boxalino/exporter-magento2/wiki/Delta-data-sync
The mview checks the "execute" function of the indexer.
The data synchronization can also be triggered with the use of a command line:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex boxalino_exporter
php bin/magento indexer:reindex boxalino_exporter_delta
Include the required commands in your project`s cron files (server-side).