Boxalino Intelligence Admin - boxalino/rtux-integration-magento2 GitHub Wiki
The Boxalino Intelligence Admin is the control panel for optimization and integration aspects. In order to access it, please log in by accessing the Boxalino Intelligence page
Intelligence Admin (IA)
In order to create a narrative or define a context, a TPO must exist with the given name (ex: search, navigation, related, home, etc)
Layout Blocks
The Layout Blocks (aslo known as visual elements) are located in the Marketing >> Layout Block menu
As an integrator, there are 2 ways of creating layout block:
- The green button "+ Add" on top-left
- The grey button "Import" on bottom-left. The imported content must be JSON.
For any integration use-case, sample JSON elements are provided which can be imported once the namespace for templates/blocks/models has been updated.
Once new layout blocks are added, check the "Deploy" steps.
The Narratives layouts are located in the Marketing >> Narratives menu
As an integrator, there are 2 ways of creating the narrative:
- The green button "+ Add" on top-left
- The grey button "Import" on bottom-left. The imported content must be JSON.
For any integration use-case, sample JSON narratives layouts are provided which can be imported as they are.
The Layout Blocks are used in order to create your narrative layout.
Once new narratives are added, check the "Deploy" steps.
Template Resources
Template resources are used in order to access dynamic content. These are generally provided by your Boxalino team, unless instructed otherwise.
Check Advanced >> Template Resources to see the available resources for you.
Ex: for the search strategy, the some_results and sub_phrases elements have to be imported. They are used for the search conditional layout to check if the API request has some results, sub-phrases or noresults context.
Configuring the facets in IA will have a list of benefits:
- No need to request facets with the API request (convenient both for integration aspects and maintenance)
- Properties can be defined for each facet and will be part of the API response (ex: visualisation, nr of displayed options, etc)
- Which facets are returned can be configured dynamically(ex: return the facet if 10% of products use it, etc)
- The facets can be updated at any time
To check which facets are active for the TPO (search, navigation, etc) - go to Merchandising >> Facets
Once new facets are added, check the "Deploy" steps.
The API request has 2 modes: test and production.
When the API request has the flag: test:true - it is enough to only click on the button "Test" on the views (Narrative, Layout Block, TPO)
When the API request has the flag: test:false - after clicking on "Test" on the view, please go to Deployment >> Publishing and click on *"Publish All"
There is a 5min cache until the changes are available.