[DI][doc_attribute] Export more attribute properties - boxalino/rtux-integration-magento2 GitHub Wiki

The presented use-case is for adding more product attribute information to the doc_attribute export.


The easiest way to extend what is being exported for each attribute, is to create your own service based of Boxalino\DataIntegration\Service\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute (the property handler) and Boxalino\DataIntegration\Model\DataProvider\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute (the model that gets data for the property handler => the data provider).


  1. Create 2 files to replace the property handler (#1) and the data provider(#2)
  2. Create a resource model(#3) to be used in your data provider (#2) (it will be used to get data for each attribute & new property)
  3. To avoid further integration compatibilities, your services #1 & #2 should extend from the original services
  • Service #1 (property handler) will rewrite the getValues function
  • Service #2 (data provider) will update the __construct() to add a new resource model (#3) and create functions to access the data for each attribute code & property to add to export
  1. In your integration layer di.xml, replace:
  • the use of Boxalino\DataIntegration\Service\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute with service #1
  • the use of Boxalino\DataIntegration\Model\DataProvider\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute with service #2
  1. Notify Boxalino which properties are exported and how they should be considered for further integrations

Code Samples

Property Handler

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace <your-integration-layer>\Service\Document\Attribute;

use Boxalino\DataIntegrationDoc\Doc\DocSchemaInterface;
use Boxalino\DataIntegration\Service\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute;

class ExtendedEavAttribute extends EavAttribute
     * Structure: [property-name => [$schema, $schema], property-name => [], [..]]
     * @return array
    public function getValues() : array
        $content = parent::getValues();
        $dataProvider = $this->getDataProvider();
        foreach($content as $attributeCode => &$schema)
            foreach($this->_getExtraProperties() as $propertyName)
                $values = $dataProvider->getPropertyByAttributeCode($attributeCode, $propertyName);

                $schema[DocSchemaInterface::FIELD_STRING][] = $this->schemaGetter()->getStringAttributeSchema([], $propertyName)->toArray();

        return $content;

    protected function _getExtraProperties() : array
        return ["prop1", "prop2"];


Data Provider

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace <your-integration-layer>\Model\DataProvider\Document\Attribute;

use Boxalino\DataIntegration\Model\DataProvider\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute;
use Boxalino\DataIntegration\Model\ResourceModel\Document\Attribute\EavAttribute as DataProviderResourceModel;
use <your-integration-layer>\Model\ResourceModel\Document\Attribute\AmastyEavAttribute as ExtendedDataProviderResourceModel;

class ExtendedEavAttribute extends EavAttribute

    private $resourceModel;
    private $attributeList;
    protected $extendedResourceModel;
    protected $extendedAttributeProperties = [];

    public function __construct(
        ExtendedDataProviderResourceModel $extendedResourceModel,
        DataProviderResourceModel $resource
    ) {
        $this->extendedResourceModel = $extendedResourceModel;
        $this->resourceModel = $resource;
        $this->attributeList = new \ArrayObject();
        $this->extendedAttributeProperties = [];


     * You can extend this function in order to preload all desired information from your extendedResourceModel just once
     * (instead of calling the model each time to fetch information)
     * @return void
    public function resolve() : void

    public function getPropertyByAttributeCode(string $attributeCode, string $propertyName) : array
                return is_array($this->extendedAttributeProperties[$attributeCode][$propertyName]) ? $this->extendedAttributeProperties[$attributeCode][$propertyName] : explode(",", $this->extendedAttributeProperties[$attributeCode][$propertyName]);

        return [];
