Wikidata, Linked Data, SPARQL semantic queries, and Wikidata API Research - bounswe/bounswe2024group9 GitHub Wiki

This page includes repositories, links, queries, responses, videos, and other different examples and proofs of our research.

Kristina Trajkovski

Introduction to Wikidata - Youtube Video

Explore the official page of wikidata - - noticed that there are many tutorials for beginners when it comes to learning how to add labels, references, descriptions,etc.

Watched the introductory videos of SPARQL tutorials - Youtube playlist

Found a very simple example of using Wikidata's API with python

Mustafa Atak

I think everyone will like this short video about Wikidata that explains a lot in a short time !

I also watched a video about Linked data in basic to understand this topic better you can check it to learn What is Linked Data?

For using wikidata properly I guess Learn Wikidata site is really impressive. Since we will use API Wikidata API with python example usage can really teach you basics

About SPARQL I think it is really great in Wikidata, there is a dedicated Wikidata SPARQL tutorial for this purpose. There is also a test field named Query Wikidata to try your SPARQL knowledge.

Eray Eroğlu

I think learning the history of Wikidata is a good starting point. After this video, the next step is learning how the query system works in Wikidate , so I suggest you to watch this.

I don't like reading documentations, so i will share another video. I had no idea what the linked data was about. If you feel similar, I found this tedx video interesting and useful.

For the SPARQL part, I think @Mutti's suggestion is very informative. Even though I prefer videos, I think that tutorial can save lots of your time.

Ceylin Gebeş

I personally prefer learning usage of an API from its original documentations, so I mostly wandered in here, Wikidata's original page.

When it comes to Linked Data, I think everyone should check out this Ted Talk on Youtube from the father of World Wide Web, Tim Berners Lee. It is really informatory and helps to understand how linked data works deeply. The video is here.

About SPARQL, I recommend this documentation for further learning but it can be a little overwhelming for starters -including me-. However, I believe it would be really useful when it comes to implementation of our project.

Muhammet Berkay Keskin

I like learning the history too. So I watched this video to make an introduction. Then followed this web page

For linked data, I watched the classic.

For SparQL, I checked Wikipedia! And also Wikidata Query Service was pretty helpful.

Halil Karabacak

Wikidata provides a nice webpage related what it is and how to get started using it at address. Then using the links in this page, I completed the "Coordinets Route" to learn what information I gain about a place using Wikidata, since this is also related to our project.

For linked data, I watched the classic after one of my friend's suggestion.

Since I have no idea about query languages, I want to understand the basics and learned much from this webpage

Ahmet Burak Çiçek

When it comes to learning anything about computer science,I resort to textbooks.So my go-to resource for SPARQL is Learning SPARQL textbook.A PDF of the book is available on libgen.

Apart from the textbook which may become cumbersome to follow in some situations,I found this website useful.It provides summary info about SPARQL and is life-saving if the time is limited.

Another textbook from libgen which I found useful is Linked Data-Evolving the Web Into a Global Data Space.

For studying linked data,I found this website useful.It provides very detailed information about linked data

And the best resource for getting info about Wikidata is the official website

Yigit Kagan Poyrazoglu

I think SPARQL official documentation is the best place to begin research for it. For the rest of the topics, my friends have done an exhaustive research and I have nothing else to contribute.