Onur Çerli - bounswe/bounswe2024group8 GitHub Wiki
About Me
Hello! My name is Onur and I am a 3rd year computer engineering student at Bogazici University.
Technical Skills
Embedded systems programming with ESP32 and STM32 microprocessors
Personal Projects and Interests
Outside of my studies, I enjoy working on personal coding projects such as web scrapping, application programs with a user interface and embedded systems projects. Recently, I have tried selenium to create a web bot to make bids for auctions. I am also currently working on an embedded systems programming project which includes socket programming using protocols like modbus tcp.
If you would like to get in touch with me, you can reach me at [email protected]
Attended lab meeting and discussed possible domains and specific features applicable to each domain
No related issue
Week 2
Task Name
Issue of the task
Research on mobile app development
Checked different ways of navigating between screens in react native apps; comparing stack navigator to expo-router, checking tab navigations, drawer navigations, etc.
Create a bottom tab bar menu to navigate between screens
Added tab bar menu to select a screen to view, added feed, create-post, gallery, discussion and profile as tab bar menu options and also created the screen components to navigate for each menu option. Added relevant logos to menu options and removed the titles.
Faced several problems, due to compatibility of some packages with expo but able to create the apk. There were also some design problems and also made necessary fixes and created the final apk, ready for the customer milestone 1.
Faced some issues regarding the http requests with Multipart/form-data content type but updated the screen and connected to the backend endpoint to create posts
watched some tutorials, set up the environment to develop apps, then, created example projects to try myself
implement login and signup screens for mobile app
initialized the project, created the login and signup screens, tested the design for a few different devices, also made some research throughout this such as how to navigate between screens
Week 10
Task Name
integrate with backend
set up postgresql(it took a lot of time due to an error in installation), implemented the api communication with the backend for login and signup screens using axios, ran the backend app on local and first tested it with postman and then with the mobile app
implement a feed screen to show posts and to let the user make a search
worked on the design of the feed page first, then added a post component for posts, then made some search on what component to use for showing posts and scrolling on the feed page, found flatlist useful for that and implemented the feed screen
Week 12
Task Name
update register screen to comply with the backend
updated the register screen and also any other components affected by the update
add a community screen
designed a screen for the communities and made the backend connection