Ex‐Requirements - bounswe/bounswe2024group8 GitHub Wiki


  • Visitor

  • Member

  • 1. Functional Requirements:

  • 1.1.1. Account

    • Users shall be able to open an account.
      • Users shall enter their e-mail, username, and password to open an account to become an authanticated user.
        • Authanticated users shall be able to enter the application using their own username and password.
        • Authanticated users shall be able to make the application remember their username and password.
      • Users shall be able to put up a profile picture.
      • Users shall be able to write their personal information in their personal pages while either creating their account or after registering the application.
    • Guest users shall be able to use the application.
      • System shall disable some functions for the guests.
    • Users shall enter their e-mail or username and password to re-enter their account if they are logged out.,
    • System shall offer the choice to keep to user logged in
  • User Requirements

Visitor Visitor : Don't need to be authenticated. Can sign up Postlari gezebilir Belirli static sayfalari gezebilir.(Ligin tarihcesi, takimlarla ilgili bilgiler,) Visitor can see posts and comments but cannot add anything. Communitylerin icerigini gorebilir ayni sekilde post ve comment atamaz.

Member in icinde Account

  • Member: Needs to be logged in and authenticated.

Birbirlerini takip edebilirler.

can see: Ana sayfa postlari ve yorumlari Community postlari ve yorumlari Static sayfalar

can edit: Ana sayfa postlari ve yorumlari eger kendisi paylasmissa Deletion Community postlari ve yorumlari eger kendisi paylasmissa ve comm a uye ise. Post ve yorum likelama

  • Community: Kendi iclerinde post atilabilir: O comm a uye ise kullanici Ayni sekilde likelama, silme ekleme (edit) Bunlar da static (turk takimlari) Predetermined Katil ve Cikma haklari fakat sadece favori takimin communda edit yetkisi. En ustte description + lig tablosundaki durumu.

Comments: Baska bir commente ref verilebilir ki bu sayede cevap verildigi anlasilsin Kullanici ref verebilir syntax: @username

Notifications: comment etiketleme ve username refi ve postunun likelanmasi (x kisi likeladi) durumlarinda bildirim postun veya commentin sahibine.

Post: Fotograf eklenebilir. Kelime siniri: 200. 1 Fotograf hakki. max: 25mb (cloud tarafi calisma gerektiriyo kaydetmek icin.) Tag: takimlar olabilir. Community tagi. Galatasaray fener tagli bir post: derbi yorumu ve Galatasaray communitysinde paylasilmis olsun: Tag GS FB , GSComm

Authorization: Authority Types: SystemAdmin or Standard

Giris yaparken kayit formu favori turk takimi. Favori takimi secilince otomatik olarak o communtiy e dahil olucak. Takim sectikten sonra degistiremezsin ve sadece fav takiminin comm una girebilir.

Signup: emaille kaydolunmak zorunda (unique) ve sifre

Login: emaille giris yapilmak zorunda ve sifre

Username: Unique olmak zorunda ve degistirme hakki ayda 1.

Personal Page: Kullanicinin kendisini tanittigi desc Profile picture Favori takimi Twitter mantiginda son postlar gozuksun Takip edilenler takipciler gozukmeli.

Anasayfa: Semantic query sonucu gelen postlar gozukmeli PostDate descending sorted

Static pages: Lig tablosu canli Gunun maclari/ Sezon maclari Takimlar (Communitylerini gosteren linkler)

Search: System shall keep a history of the searches of authenticated users. Authenticated users shall be able to delete their history at will. Postlarin icinde bulunan taglere gore arama veya filter yapilabilir.

Users shall be able to search another user by their username. Kullanici aramak icin @ yazilmak zorunda. (Bunun icin search bara aciklayici placeholder) @ yoksa postlar arasi arama

Filter: Fotograflari postlari goster Belirtilen tagleri icieren postlari goster.(Comm, takimismi) Tarih araligi goster

order: most liked

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