Weekly Meeting 3 - bounswe/bounswe2024group6 GitHub Wiki

📢 Meeting Information

📅 Date 🕐 Time ⏲️ Duration 📍 Context 👤 Host
12th October 2024 16.00 1 hour Google Meet Elif Nur Deniz

👤 Attendees

👤 Member
⚫️ Anıl Köse
🟢 Aras Taşçı
🟢 Ahmet Oğuz Engin
⚫️ Oktay Özel
⚫️ Ali Tarık Şahin
🟢 Yağız Güldal
🟢 Elif Nur Deniz
🟢 Yunus Emre Özdemir
⚫️ Halil Özkan
⚫️ Kaan Yolcu

📅 Agenda:

  • Reviewing of sequence and class diagrams, mobile and web mockups
  • Discussing what more features we can add so that it will be more useful to the community
  • Preparation for the milestone

📌 Outcomes:

  • The reviewers of this week will be extra careful so that there will be no inconsistency between products.
  • Ahmet Oğuz presented the sequence diagrams and Aras presented the class diagrams. They will be finalised and reviewed until the next lab based on the feedback.
  • Yağız presented the mobile mockups and Elif Nur presented the web mockups. We checked for differences and any additions to them. They will be finalised until next lab too.
  • We talked about what additional features we can add so that we can improve the learning environment of the app. We came up with a few ideas and decided to collect our ideas on an issue.
  • We decided to start the development phase in the next lab.

🚀 Action Items:

🚀 Action 👤 Assigned to ❗️ Deadline Issue
Reviewing of user scenarios Elif Nur Deniz 15th October Issue Link
Coming up with new ideas for better learning outcomes Whole team 15th October Issue Link