Personal Wiki & Efforts: Aras Taşçı - bounswe/bounswe2024group6 GitHub Wiki

a glorifying statue of an emperor and Hadrian at his side.


Hi 👋 I am Aras Tasci, a junior year Computer Engineering Student studying @ Bogazici University. My recent areas of interest are game engine and game development.


  • Game Development with Unity
  • C/C++
  • OpenGL


  • Playing video games. (mainly Rocket League and CS2 recently)
  • Singing and playing the guitar.
  • Rowing
  • Attending CMPE352 lectures.


My Weekly Personal Effort Journal (CMPE 451)

Week 1: Sep 24 - Sep 30

Task Issue Link Duration
Attended the first meeting. 120 mins
Organized the Homepage #263 15 mins

Week 2: October 1 - October 7

Task Issue Link Duration
Attended the weekly meeting. 2 hours

Week 3: October 8 - October 14

Task Issue Link Duration
Created Class Diagrams #283 2 hours
Hosted Lab Meeting 3 #287 2 hours
Created a project plan until Milestone 1  #285 1.5 hours

Week 3: October 15 - October 22

Task Issue Link Duration
Backend Dockerization, switched the database from MySQL to PostgreSQL #325 4-5 hours
Implement Quiz Creation Endpoint #342 1 hour
Implement Quiz Feed Endpoint #344 1.5 hours
Get Docker to work with Database Migrations #346 1 hour
Fix Mock Data Creation #380 15 mins
Fix Quiz View Endpoint Data Structure #389 15 mins

Week 5: November 6 - November 12

Task Link Duration
Hosted Lab Meeting 6 #494 2 hours

Week 6: November 13 - November 19

Task Link Duration
Deploying Backend Separately #515 1.5 hours
Create Docker Compose Configuration for BACKEND-DEV Branch #579 1.5 hours
Fix docker-compose.yml Not Having Database Volume #530 1 hour
Create Comment Model #524 1.5 hours

Week 7: November 20 - November 26

Task Link Duration
Merge dev branch to main for Release #691 15 mins
Fix Multiple Quizzes Returning in Solved Quizzes Endpoint #678 30 mins
Unit Tests for Quiz Endpoints #672 2 hours
Get Latest Quiz Review Endpoint #666 1.5 hours
Optimize Backend Word Database Population #664 2 hours
Implement Quiz Recommendation Endpoint #657 2 hours
Provide Additional Info in Quiz Results Endpoint #627 1.5 hours
Followers / Following Endpoints #613 2 hours
Auxiliary Quiz Endpoints #610 1 hour
Remove Authentication for Quiz Feed #601 30 mins
Improve Quiz Endpoints #585 2 hours
Review Quiz Endpoints #582 2.5 hours
Implement Quiz Progress Functionality #520 2 hours
Implement Create / Get Endpoints for Questions / Quizzes #519 2.5 hours
Profile Update Serializer Request Check #649 30 mins
Add Author to Post Details Endpoint #632 1 hour

Week 8: November 27 - December 3

Task Link Duration
API and API Documentation Acceptance Criteria #718 1.5 hours

Week 9: December 4 - December 10

Task Link Duration
Add Swagger Documentation for Backend Endpoints #749 2 hours
Implement Administrator Functionalities #748 2.5 hours

Week 10: December 11 - December 17

Task Link Duration
Unit Tests for Quiz Endpoints #977 2 hours
Modify Main Docker-Compose File According to Backend Dev YAML File Changes #973 1.5 hours
Correctly Return Context Related Fields in Profile Endpoint #931 1 hour
Include Author in Profile Get Posts #922 1 hour
Return isBanned Field in Profile Endpoint #880 1 hour
Implement Endpoint to Check if Current User is Admin #822 1.5 hours
Check Authentication in User Post Feed #815 1 hour
Add Additional Activity Streams #814 1.5 hours
Implement Admin Ban Endpoint #786 2 hours
Automatically Create Quizzes from Incorrectly Answered Questions #769 2 hours
Implement Bookmarking Words Endpoints #762 1.5 hours
Finalize Guest Quiz Requirements #759 1.5 hours
Implement Canceling Quiz Attempts #758 2 hours

My Weekly Personal Effort Journal from CMPE352

Week 1: February 13 - February 19

Task Issue Link Duration
Attended the first meeting. 90 mins
Created issue labels. #1 30 mins
Created my own personal effort page. #3 20 mins
Documented my favourite repo. #2 30 mins

Week 2: February 20 - February 26

Task Issue Link Duration
Attended and hosted the weekly meeting. #14 80 mins
Created discussed issues at the meeting. #14 20 mins
Edited my favourite repository. #22 20 mins
Created my personal wiki and efforts page. #16 20 mins

Week 3: February 27 - March 4

Task Issue Link Duration
Attended the weekly meeting. 70 mins
Researched about mobile app development. #31 30 mins

Week 4: March 5 - March 11

Task Issue Link Duration
Attended the weekly meeting. 70 mins
Written outcomes of domain analysis research on mobile app development. #31 40 mins

Week 5: March 12 - March 18

Task Issue Link Estimated Duration Duration
Attended the weekly meeting and the extra meeting, got to meet with people in-person. 120 mins 140 mins
Written the related software analysis for the project. #50 1 hour 90 mins
Contributed to the executive summary part of the milestone report #54 2 hours 2 hours

Week 6: March 19 - March 25

Task Issue Link Duration
Reviewed Scenarios and Mockup #67 10 mins
Filled my work done by each member part #66 30 mins

Week 7: March 26 - April 1

Week 8: April 2 - April 8

Week 9: April 9 - April 15

Task Issue Link Duration
Got my task for class diagrams and reviewed UML class diagram creation #74 1.5 hours

Week 10: April 16 - April 22

Task Issue Link Duration
Created the class diagrams related to properties of 'Post' #74 2 hours

Week 11: April 23 - April 29

Task Issue Link Duration
Researched and practiced SPARQL and the WikiData API #93 1.5 hours
Implemented searching functionality for the backend with Kaan #94 4 hours

Week 12: April 30 - May 6

Task Issue Link Duration
Improved the time of the search functionality by nearly 300% by converting the query calls to WikiData asynchronously. #105 2 hours
Reviewed the backend code #117 1.5 hours
Studied Postman and used it to test the functionality of endpoints. #129 1 hour
Refactored the code to make synchronous WikiData API calls after we faced a problem related to DigitalOcean in deployment. #148 2 hours
Wrote the Backend subsections under the Challenges Encountered header and the Git Workflow subsection under the Lessons Learned header. #144 1 hour

Week 14: May 14 - May 20

Task Issue Link Duration
Implemented building/style/architect page endpoints. #154 5 hours
Sped up building page endpoint response time. #174 2 hours
Sped up the search query by 200% #176 2 hours
Sped up the searching functionality by storing possible search results in the database #247 5 hours
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️