Meeting 12 - bounswe/bounswe2024group6 GitHub Wiki

📢 Meeting Information

📅 Date 🕐 Time ⏲️ Duration 📍 Context 👤 Host
02.05.2024 22.00 Duration Discord Aras Taşçı

👤 Attendees

👤 Member
⚫️ Anıl Köse
🟢 Aras Taşçı
⚫️ Battal Hazar
⚫️ Oktay Özel
⚫️ Ebru Özçakı
🟢 Eymen Esad Çeliktürk
🟢 Elif Nur Deniz
🟢 Yunus Emre Özdemir
⚫️ Halil Özkan
🟢 Kaan Yolcu

💬 Topics:

  • Division of labour to prepare the second milestone report
  • Minor fixes for deployment

📌 Outcomes:

  • We distributed the tasks of milestone report among team members, it can be found in the action items.

  • We also distributed the tasks to improve the deployed application.

  • Kaan prepared the outline of the milestone report.

  • Discussed about and decided the development of a CI/CD pipeline.

  • Aras will create and share a new HackMD workspace.

  • Every team (backend, frontend, mobile) will prepare their own parts in the milestone report.

🚀 Action Items:

🚀 Action 👤 Assigned to ❗️ Deadline Issue
Milestone Report 2 - Create HackMD Link #143 Aras Tasci 03.05.2024 143
Milestone Report 2 - Backend Backend Team 03.05.2024 144
Milestone Report 2 - Frontend Frontend Team 03.05.2024 145
Milestone Report 2 - Mobile Team 03.05.2024 145
Action Item Assignee Date Issue Link