Meeting Notes #1 - bounswe/bounswe2024group5 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Notes #1

📆 Date: 19/02/2024 20:00

📍 Location: Discord

Duration: 30 mins

📝 Moderator: Arınç

🧑🏼‍💻 Participants

  • -[X] Arınç Demir
  • -[X] Abdullah Umut Hamzaoğulları
  • -[X] A. Ebrar Kızıloğlu
  • -[X] Güney Yüksel
  • -[X] Özgür Deniz Demir
  • -[X] Ramazan Onur Acar
  • -[X] Süleyman Emir Taşan
  • -[X] Utku Çelik
  • -[X] Semih Yılmaz

💬 Agenda

  • Complete the first assignment.
  • Initialize our repo and wiki pages.
  • Meet with the teammates.
  • Structure some templates for use.

📌 Discussions

  • Not being able to meet in person, we decided to introduce ourselves tomorrow in the lecture break.
  • Decided that this week Arınç will be the moderator and the note taker. The moderator and note taker might change every week.
  • Decided to change the meeting day to another day that is less close to the lecture in order to finish assignments easier. This will be done through a survey later through Whatsapp.

🎯 Action Items

Action Responsible Issues
1 Initialize the README file Ramazan #6
2 Create a template for issues Güney #20
3 Create some generic labels for issues Güney #33
4 Create a template for documenting a repoository that we like Deniz #15
5 Document a repository that you like Everyone
6 Create a personal page using the template Everyone
7 Document your personal efforts for this week Everyone