Learning Github - bounswe/bounswe2024group5 GitHub Wiki
Git & GitHub :octocat:
Git is a version control system that tracks the changes made to the source code. Allowing teams with multiple members to work on it simultaneously. Github is the web-based hosting service for git repositories. Git has some basic commands and concepts; here are some of them!
Some Command Concepts ⚙️
commit: Saves your staged changes to your local repository.
branch: Allows working with independent lines of development.
merge: Combines different branches.
checkout: Traditional versions for switching between branches. The modern version is "switch".
rebase: Integrates changes from one branch to another.
HEAD: References the last commit in the currently checked-out branch. It's possible to move it with operators like '^' and '~'.
reset: Resets the current HEAD to a specific state.
revert: Undoes the changes made by a specific commit.
cherry-pick: Selects specific branches to add to the current working branch.
clone: Creates a copy of an existing repository.
fetch: Downloads commits, files, and refs from a remote repository.
pull: Updates the current repository with the latest changes from the remote one.
push: Updates the remote repository with the latest changes from the local one.
Definitions 📖
Issue: A feature mostly used to keep track of tasks, new features, and bugs. It's extremely important in planning.
Pull request: A request to merge the changes between two branches.
Project: An interface for organizing and planning the works related to a common goal.
Label: A feature used for organizing issues.
Milestone: A feature used to keep track of groups of issues and/or pull requests.
Our Repository ❤️
This is the Fifth Group's repository, where we are laying the groundwork for our project during CMPE352 and CMPE451 in 2024.
Roles & Responsibilities 🔔
Meeting moderator: Moderates the meetings and takes notes for those meetings.
Reviewer: Closes the issue with an appropriate comment, edits the labels (removes need review adds completed), and updates the necessary fields (end date) in the related projects.
Communicator: Ensures communication between our group and the teaching staff.
More roles will be added as needed while we progress through our project.
Fun Facts 🎉
On October 1, 2020, Github officially started to use "main" instead of "master" to migrate away from biased terminology.
Git was created by Linus Torvalds, the same creator who created the Linux OS. He also named the system "Git" after himself. While git doesn't have a technical meaning, it's used as a British slang term that means foolish.
GitHub has a cat with five octopus-like arms as a mascot.