User Manual for Fitness and Diet Forum - bounswe/bounswe2024group4 GitHub Wiki
User Manual for Fitness and Diet Forum Website
1. Introduction
This guide provides essential information for using the Fitness and Diet Forum website. It covers topics such as creating an account, managing your profile, following exercise programs, and creating meals.
2. Overview of the Website
Fitness and Diet Forum is designed to help users develop healthy lifestyle habits by offering tools and resources for fitness and nutrition.
Key Features
- Create and manage exercise programs and meals.
- Track progress on exercises .
- Participate in forum discussions.
3. Step-by-Step Guides
How to Create an Account
Click the "Sign Up" button on the login screen.
Enter the required information (username, email, password).
Click "Sign Up" button to finish the process.
How to Sign In
- Enter the required information (username, password).
- Click "Sign In" button to finish the process.
Feed and Bookmarked Posts
- Click the home button indicated by 1. arrow
- Now you can see your feed and bookmarked posts by clicking according buttons
Profile Page
- You can navigate to your profile by pressing "Profile" button on the sidebar.
- At this page you can see your account information and by clicking according buttons, you can see the posts, meals and exercises created by you
- Also you can see your weight graph over time to keep track of your weight.
- You can edit your profile information by clicking edit profile button
- You need to add your weight in this edit profile section to see them on weight graph
Discover Page
- You can see the information for other user's activities such as creating a meal and finishing an exercise by clicking "Discover" button on the sidebar
Meals Page
- You can see the meals crated by you with their foods and you can see foods' nutrients, ingredients, macros, micro nutrients vitamins and their recipes.
- You can create a new meal by clicking "Create a Meal" button as the arrow indicates
- You should provide a meal name then click the "Create Meal" button
- You can search for foods in already our database
- Then by clicking its name and then "Add food to meal" button you can add this food to your meal
- If the food is not found in our database you can add them by providing its photo, url and ingredients, then you need to click "get nutrients" button indicated by the arrow
- After nutrients are shown you can click "Add food to meal" button to add this food to your meal
- Then by clicking "finalize and save meal" button you can finalize your new meal.
Weekly Program
1.You can reach weekly program by clicking Exercises button on the sidebar and then clicking "weekly program" button
2.You can assign workouts for the days by clicking the plus buttons below the day names.
3. You can select workouts from you created and you bookmarked. Then by clicking add button and save weekly program button you can add this workout to selected day.
4. You can start workout by clicking the run button below the add button for the day
5. Then you can provide your actual performance by ticking and providing actual sets and reps . To end the exercise click end exercise button
6. To see your workout history click the view history button
7. You can see the days you exercised on calendar with a green dot by clicking the day you can see your performance on that day
Program and Exercise Creation
- You can see your programs by clicking my programs button in exercises page and by clicking create new program button you can create a workout
- Firstly, you need to select the muscle group you want to target, then you will see the list of exercises for this muscle and then you need to click the exercise name and provide sets and reps numbers after providing these fields you need to click add button
- After pressing the add button you can see your exercise on the right. When you want to complete the program you need to click complete button
- To create exercise you need to be super member of our community !!!!! You can click create new exercise button
- You need to select the muscle group and then you need to provide necessary fields. When you done you can add the exercise by clicking submit exercise button
Rating System
- Doesn't matter where you are, you can give ratings to the workouts and meals by clicking the stars and submit rating button
Leaderboard Page
- You can view the leaderboard by clicking leaderboards button on the sidebar . Here you can see the most ranked users with their overall rating, meal rating and exercise rating
Post Creation
- You need to click create post button on the topbar indicated with arrow
- Then you need to provide the context of the post and you can select workout and meal program to add by selecting them on the dropdown menu and clicking add workout and add meal button
- Then you can click submit button to post, or cancel button to cancel
- You can see your post on your profile now
Advanced Search Mechanism
- Click the filters button to apply filters
- You can select muscle type you want to target and you can select many features about meals you want to see then you need to click apply filters button to apply the filters you selected
- Then type what you want to search to searchbar and simply click enter
- You can select which type of things you want to see by clicking users, posts,workouts and meals buttons
- You can see creators of meals and workouts below