Mobile TC009 ‐ Create Post - bounswe/bounswe2024group4 GitHub Wiki

Test Case ID: TC009

Description: Verify that the member can create a post.

Preconditions: User must have a registered account. (User must be a member). User must be logged in to the platform.

Test Steps

Step Description Expected Screenshot Actual Results Status
1 On the application tabbar, press on the + button. - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
2 You should see the create post page with an empty input field. - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
3 Type in the content of the post and click on the "Share" button. - [] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
4 You should see the success message. Press "OK" - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
5 Go to your feed by pressing on the Main tab, you should be able to see the post that you have just created. - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
5 Go to your profile page by pressing on the Profile tab, you should be able to see the post that you have just created. - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted

Expected Results

  • Member must be able to create a post and when they create they must see it on their feed.

Actual Results

Overall Status

  • Pass
  • Fail