Mobile TC008 ‐ Comment - bounswe/bounswe2024group4 GitHub Wiki

Test Case ID: TC008

Description: Verify that the user can comment on a post.

Preconditions: User must have a registered account, must be already logged in and must have posts created before or follow another user with posts.

Test Steps

Step Description Expected Screenshot Actual Results Status
1 Go to the feed page - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
2 Press on the comment icon and see the previous comments - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
3 Press on the comment bar, type in a comment and press on the "Comment" button on right. - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
4 You should now see your comment on the post in comments section. - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted

Expected Results

  • Commenting should immediately add the comment at the end of current comments list. In case of a server-side or network issue, this may fail and the comment might be reverted in which case the test should be repeated to see if it is a persistent issue. If it's persistent the test is failed.

Actual Results

Overall Status

  • Pass
  • Fail