Frontend TC109 ‐ Like Comment - bounswe/bounswe2024group4 GitHub Wiki

Test Case ID: TC109

Description: Verify that the user can like a comment.

Preconditions: User must have a registered account, must be already logged in and must have posts created before or follow another user with posts that have commented before.

Test Steps

Step Description Expected Screenshot Actual Results Status
1 Navigate to feed image1 - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
2 Press on the comment icon on a post that has commented before and wait for the post page to load image2 - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
3 Press the like icon on a comment image3 - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted
4 Refresh the page image4 - [ ] Pass- [ ] Fail- [ ] Aborted

Expected Results

  • Pressing on the like icon on a comment should immediately render the icon in filled red style and refreshing the page should retain the state of the like button. In case of a server-side or network issue, this may fail in which case the test should be repeated to see if it is a persistent issue. If it's persistent the test is failed.

Actual Results

Overall Status

  • Pass
  • Fail