Meeting #8 ‐ 17.04.2024 - bounswe/bounswe2024group12 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Details

  • 📆 Date: 17.04.2024
  • ⌛ Duration: 21:00 - 22:30
  • 📍 Location/Platform: Google Meet
  • 📝 Note-taker: Isil Su Karakuzu


  • ✅ Ahmet Bayir
  • ✅ Ahmet Fırat Gamsız
  • ✅ Arda Yalcindag
  • ⬜️ Asya Su Sen
  • ✅ Mehmet Batuhan Cok
  • ✅ Isil Su Karakuzu
  • ✅ Orhan Unuvar
  • ✅ Soner Kuyar
  • ✅ Taha Ensar Kukul
  • ✅ Yusuf Aygun


  • Reviewing the notes of the meeting with TA
  • Talking about things that are delayed and need to be rearranged due to the Ramadan holiday

Action Items

# Details Responsible Due Date Issue
1 Adding Week 8, 9 and 10 to the weekly effort tables on the personal page. Everyone 24.04.2024 at 23.59 ⬜️
2 Adding Meeting 8 notes to Wiki. Isil Su Karakuzu 22.04.2024 at 23.59 #124
3 Finishing sequence diagrams. Isil Su Karakuzu - Yusuf Aygun - Taha Ensar Kukul 24.04.2024 at 23.59 #106
4 Updating requirements by looking at feedback. Ahmet Firat Gamsiz - Orhan Unuvar 24.04.2024 at 23.59 #123
5 Writing an article about Git and GitHub if TA says it is necessary. NA 24.04.2024 at 23.59 ⬜️
6 Detailing the project plan and roadmap according to TA's feedback. Soner Kuyar - Ahmet Firat Gamsiz - Orhan Unuvar 24.04.2024 at 23.59 #120
7 Updating RAM with tasks. Soner Kuyar - Yusuf Aygun 24.04.2024 at 23.59 #109
8 Initializing the mobile, frontend, and backend sides of the project. Frontend - Backend - Mobile Teams 24.04.2024 at 23.59 #114
9 Finishing remaining issues. Everyone 30.04.2024 at 23.59 ⬜️

Additional Notes

  • It's been noted that the project should be completed by the end of the lessons. It's acknowledged that not everything might be accomplished, but that's considered normal. Do what you can manage. It's necessary to compare progress with other groups.
  • Key priorities include completing the entrance screen, semantic search, and reviews. Equally important are finalizing the game page, log in/log out functionality, and search screen.
  • Let's avoid having one person open all the issues; discussions should be held within the issues, similar to a forum. Instead of using WhatsApp, we need to write question and answer exchanges within the issues. Everyone should open their own issues, and if they have one, they can chat there.
  • Backend team will use Django for development.
  • Once again, an anonymous naming vote was conducted for our project, and Playlog was chosen.