Personal Effort (Arda Vural) - bounswe/bounswe2024group11 GitHub Wiki

Week 1: September, 23-29

Task Type Estimated Time Time Taken
Organized New Meeting Schedule for the project, Ozan Oytun Karakaya and Hasan Kerem Şeker General 15 mins 30 mins
Documented Lab Report 1, issue Documentation 30 mins 45 mins
Helped to update wiki, here Repo 10 mins 20 mins

Week 2: September 30 - October 6

Task Type Estimated Time Time Taken
Reviewed requirements and gave feedback to the team. General 1 hour 1 hour
Researched Lexvo issue Research 2 hours 1 hour

Week 3: October, 7-13

Task Type Estimated Time Time Taken
Written User Scenario 1 and created a mockup with Ümitcan Evleksiz. Mockup and Scenario , issue Scenario & Mockups 45 mins 30 mins
Created Class Diagrams Class diagrams and also updated accordingly to our last plans with Mücahit Erdoğan Ünlü and Muhammet Emin Çiftçi. Class Diagrams , issue Design 3 hours 2 hours
Created User Scenario Template with Ümitcan Evleksiz for general use and consistency. Template , issue Scenario & Mockups 30 mins 30 mins
Created a Sequence Diagram and reviewed other Sequence Diagrams. Sequence Diagrams , issue Design 2 hours 1.5 hours
Updated and Refined Wiki and Sidebar. wiki , issue Repo 30 min 20 min
Review, adress issues and close the PR with Muhammet Emin, Mücahit, and Ozan Implementation(Backend) 1 hour 1 hour

Week : October, 14-20

Task Type Estimated Time Time Taken
Implemented Forum Question Create and View endpoints with Mücahit Erdoğan Ünlü. PR , issue Implementation(Backend) 2 hours 1.5 hours
Researched best practices and detailed implementations in django for endpoints and configurations with Muhammet Emin Çiftçi Research 2 hours 2 hours
Implemented Vote endpoints for Forum Questions branch , issue Implementation(Backend) 2 hours 2 hours
Reviewed and adressed the issues in register endpoint PR. Review 30 min 30 min
Researched swagger and unit test usage for best practices with Muhammet Emin Çiftçi. Research 30 min 30 min

Week 7: November 4 - November 10

Task Type Estimated Time Time Taken
Document WCAG 2.1 Standards issue Repo 30 minutes 1 hour

After Milestone 2 , Until Milestone 3;

Week 1: November 25 - December 1

Task Type Time Taken
Attended Lab Lab 2 hours
Researched about scripts General 1 hour

Week 2: December 2 - 8

Task Type Time Taken
Attended Lab Lab 2 hours
Worked on demo presentation scenarios General 1 hour
Attended meeting for planning General 1 hour

Week 3: December 9 - 15

Task Type Time Taken
Implement Leaderboard Logic and Endpoint Backend 3 hours
Attended meeting for design choices and last features with backend team Backend & Design 2 hours
Sound Effects on Take Quiz Review Frontend 30 mins
Created Demo Scenario For Final Milestone Documentation and Wiki 30 mins

Week 4: December 16 - 17

Task Type Time Taken
Implement Script for Resetting Leaderboard in Periods Backend 1 hour
Milestone Demo Presentation Preparation General 1 hours
Implement Block Filter For Quizzes, Forum Questions and Answer Backend 1 hour
Created and Documented Testing Strategies Documentation and Design 1.5 hours