Personal Effort (Ümit Can Evleksiz) - bounswe/bounswe2024group11 GitHub Wiki

Week 1: November 25 - December 1

Task Type Time Taken
Attended Lab Lab 2 hours
Researched about gamification General 1 hour
Worked on accessibility Frontend 2 hours
Worked on user scenarios General 1 hour

Week 2: December 2 - 8

Task Type Time Taken
Attended Lab Lab 2 hours
Worked on demo presentation scenarios General 1 hour

Week 3: December 9 - 15

Task Type Time Taken
Badge Designs Design 2 hours
User Achievements Model & View Backend & DB 4 hours
Profile Model -> Interests Model, Score Model Backend & DB 1 hour
Profile Photo Upload in Register Frontend & Backend & DB 1 hour
Turquiz Achievements Page Frontend 3 hours
Feed Feature Scoping General 2 hours
User Achievements Endpoint Backend 1 hour
Create Quiz (THIS IS THE THING, LITERALLY) Frontend 30 hours (thirty, not a typo)
Sound Effects on Take Quiz Frontend 2 hours
VoiceOver Feature for Pronunciation Frontend 2 hours
Product Coherence UX, Copywriting 1 hours
Profile Backend, Frontend 3 hours

Week 4: December 16 - 17

Task Type Time Taken
Proficiency on Profile Frontend 1 hour
Feed Page Frontend 3 hours
Realistic Forum Question Creation DB 3 hours
Realistic Tag Creation DB 2 hours
Deployment DevOps 1 hour
Milestone Demo Presentation Preparation General 2 hours
Forum & Quizzes Rework and Layout Improvements Frontend 3 hours
Accessibility Improvements Frontend 2 hours

After the Demo Presentation (Special Request From Suzan Hoca)

Task Type Time Taken
Accessibility Improvements (Better Screen Reader Support) Frontend 4 hours