Helpful Resources - bounswe/bounswe2024group11 GitHub Wiki

Some useful resources for learning and the project.

Conventional Commits

Conventional Commits is a specification for creating consistent and descriptive commit messages in software projects. It defines a structured format for commit messages to make them more readable and understandable.

Key Components of Conventional Commit Message:

  • Type: Indicates the type of change being made.
  • Scope (optional): Describes the scope of the change.
  • Subject: A brief description of the change.
  • Body (optional): Provides more detailed information about the change.
  • Footer (optional): Contains metadata about the commit, such as issue tracker IDs or breaking changes.

Semantic Versioning

Semantic Versioning (often abbreviated as SemVer) is a versioning scheme used primarily in software development to manage and communicate changes in code releases in a standardized manner.

As our project evolves with new releases, this versioning scheme will be more important.

GitHub Docs Issues

GitHub Docs Issues is a feature that allows project maintainers and contributors to manage documentation-related tasks, feedback, suggestions, and bug reports in a structured and transparent manner directly within the GitHub repository.

Github for Ages 4 and Up

It is an introductory git resource to check provided in the assignment.