API Documentation - bounswe/bounswe2024group11 GitHub Wiki

API documentation

Swagger documentation:


Since most of the endpoints requires the sender to be authorized for methods, it is better to complete authorization steps before demonstrating any example API call. Steps below explains the authorization process inside the swagger page.

  • Get the Access Token: Initially, /auth/login/ endpoint should be envoked with post request including the username and password in the body. A sample registered user will be used for demonstration in order to skip the registration process. :auth:login access_token
  • You can see the "access" token highlighted above in the JSON response body.
  • By clicking onto the Authorize button in the beginning of the page, on right, this access token can be used for authorization. In the textbox opening up, Bearer <access_token> should be given as input. auth bearer auth response
  • This window can be closed and all endpoints require authorization can be tried inside the Swagger Page.

Example API Call From Swagger

  • After sending a get request to /api/v1/forum-questions endpoint, all of the forum questions are displayed. Answering feature for the forum question with id=3 is demonstrated below.
  • Get the forum question with id=3 with sending GET request to /api/v1/forum-questions/3/. display forum question 3
  • Write an example answer for the question in the POST request JSON body to the endpoint /api/v1/forum-questions/3/answer/.
  • Notice that answer endpoint is nested in the URL and the id of the forum-question should be provided in the URL as pk, stands for primary key. answer forum question 3
  • Response returned from the endpoint after the POST request sent. answer forum question 3 response
  • Newly created answer now can be seen by sending GET request to the same endpoint, /api/v1/forum-questions/3/.

Body Examples

In order to view request body examples, click on the Example Value button indicated with red arrow. image In order to view response body and response code examples, click on Example Value button: image