User Group Story 2 - bounswe/bounswe2024group10 GitHub Wiki

User Group Story 2

Group: Corporate finance professionals at a startup office

Demographics: 30-40 years old, analysts and day traders, with diverse portfolios in both traditional stocks and emerging assets

Location: Office break room, New York City

Time: Early morning (before the stock market opens)

Duration: 15 minutes

A small team of corporate finance professionals meets in the break room for coffee before starting the day. They use the finance app to check the performance of their public portfolios and monitor any new comments or questions from other users on their recent posts in the "Borsa Istanbul" and "Bitcoin" subforums. Each team member has chosen their user tag (e.g., Day Trader, Financial Analyst) to connect with others sharing similar interests. Using the app’s advanced search feature, they review the latest posts tagged with “emerging markets” and “tech stocks,” preparing insights for potential trades.

  • Written by: Gülşen Sabak 2020400072

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