Nazlıcan Aka Archive - bounswe/bounswe2024group10 GitHub Wiki
- Nazlıcan Aka
- Third-year Computer Engineering student at Bogazici University.
- I have been a Lindy hop dancer since 2021, and I also started a journey to improve myself in solo jazz. If you are curious about the swing community and its activities, you can come to the swing party with me. I promise you will enjoy it. I love listening to jazz music and other types of music. Actually, it doesn't matter, I love listening to all kinds of music.
- I have done my internships in two different technology company, and currently working in Istanbul stok exchange. If you want, I can give you tips about stock exchange.
- C/C++, Pyhton, Java, C#, .NET, Web Application, Image processing.
- Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz Dances
Week 14
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Create the post page | 1 hour | 1 hour | frontend/web | #142 |
Milestone 3 is created | 15 min | 20 min | wiki | #141 |
Make additions to RAM | 30 min | 30 min | RAM | #196, #150 |
Update Project Plan | 1 hour | 1 hour | Plan | 149 |
Week 13
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Milestone 2 review meeting | 30 min | 30 min | meeting | #139 |
frontend 2 meeting | 30 min | 30 min | meeting | #140 |
Week 12
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Milestone 2 report is delivered |
Week 11
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Create branch, push to the github, create pull request | 30 mins | 15 mins | GitHub | 97 |
Adding new rows and updating project plan | 2 hours | 1 hour | Project | 114 |
Adding new rows to RAW, make arrangement, Update RAW | 1 hour | 30 mins | Project | 115 |
Rent Digital Ocean | 15 mins | 15 mins | DevOps | N/A |
Help Web register page missing points to be done | 30 mins | 30 mins | Frontend | 103 |
Adding weekly contributions | 30 mins | 30 mins | Wiki | N/A |
Help Dockerization | 30 mins | 30 mins | DevOps | N/A |
Week 10
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
First Frontend meeting | 2 hours | 1.5 hours | Frontend | 58 |
Research about React, CSS | 3 hours | 2 hours | Frontend | 70 |
Write the Login and Sign Up pages | 5 hours | 3 hours | Frontend | 58 |
Week 9
| Ramadan Fest |
Week 8
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Attended to task separation meeting | 1 hour | 1 hour | Meeting | N/A |
Week 7
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Research about sequence diagrams, attending PS | 2 hour | 2 hours | research | N/A |
Created Milestone - 2 | 15 mins | 15 mins | Project | 55 |
Week 6
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Create the project, linked issues, change status of issues | 30 mins | 15 mins | Project | #43 |
Change my favorite repository according to favorite repository template | 30 mins | 30 mins | Project | #32 |
created 4. part, which is evaluation of tools and processes in the milestone-1 report | 30 min | 30 min | Project | #45 |
Week 5
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Controlling requirements and adding new items | 30 mins | 15 mins | Project | N/A |
Create the first milestone and link related issues to it | 15 mins | 15 mins | Project | #39 |
Do research about how to do mock ups | 1 hour | 40 mins | Project | N/A |
In the meeting help to create base of requirements | 1 hour | 1 hour | Meeting | N/A |
Edit my personal page and contributions | 1 hour | 1 hour | Wiki | #40 |
Edit my responsibilities in assignment matrix | 10 min | 10 min | Project | N/A |
Attended to elicitation question meeting | 1 hour 30 min | 1 hour | Project/Meeting | N/A |
Week 4
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Week 3
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Attend face to face meeting | 1 hour | 1 hour | Meeting | N/A |
Week 2
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Help to organize the third meeting. | 15 mins | 15 mins | Meeting | N/A |
Take meeting notes. | 1 hour | 1 hour | Meeting | N/A |
Uploaded meeting notes according to meeting template. | 45 mins | 40 mins | Wiki/Meeting | N/A |
In the meeting help to create base of requirements | 1 hour | 1 hour | Meeting | #23 |
Shared lecture notes with my team and discuss about in the meeting. | 30 mins | 15 mins | Meeting | N/A |
Week 1
Task | Estimated Duration | Actual Duration | Type of Task | Issue |
Organized the second meeting to complete first week assignment. | 15 mins | 15 mins | Meeting | N/A |
Investigated about git and learn about git commands and gitbash. | 2 hour | 1 hour | Search | N/A |
Went to the first week problem session class and took notes and shared with my teammates. | 45 mins | 40 mins | Meeting | N/A |
Created my personel wiki page | 30 mins | 30 mins | Wiki | #15 |
Practiced about markdown language | 30 mins | 15 mins | Search | N/A |