Elicitation Questions - bounswe/bounswe2024group10 GitHub Wiki

Elicitation Questions:

  • 1. User Interactions

    • 1.1. Is "connection of different users" possible, if yes how would this be implemented? Will these connections be mutual (e.g. "friendship" in Facebook) or one-sided (e.g. "following" in Instagram)
      • 1.1.1. Depending on the users' personal settings, can there be differences in the abovementioned "connection" mechanism? (e.g. (Instagram) directly following an open account vs sending a follow request to a private account)
      • 1.1.2. Can users "block" or "suspend" each other? If yes, how would the connection rules change depending on blockedness/suspendedness factors?
      • 1.1.3. How would the connected users see each other's shared contents, depending on their connection and possible cases in 1.2
        • Should there be a separate feed to see the connected users' posts and the normal posts (an explore page perhaps) ?
          • If there is a separate page, how will Explore be determined based on the user's previous likes, saves, and followed accounts?
      • 1.1.4. Can the users make their pages private ?
    • 1.2. Should there be a report option for users ?
    • 1.3. Will the users be able to send each other messages ?
  • 2. Subscription

    • 2.1. Should there be a subscription system in which a user can post pictures which only the subscribers can see ?
      • 2.1.1. If yes should there be a way to pay inside the system, or with methods outside of the system's control ?
      • 2.2.2. If yes should there be a different moderating team to check the content ?
  • 3. Profile contents

    • 3.1. What will be the contents of each person's personal profiles?
      • 3.1.1. Can these information be changed, if yes, would the number of possible changes have an upper limit, if yes what would be that upper limit? (e.g. changing the username at most once)
      • 3.1.2. How will these personal information be stored? Should the administrators be able to see private information of users (like their passwords, (if exists) credit card numbers, etc.)
      • 3.1.3. Which of these information can be seen by other users of the system, can this visibility be changed by the user, if yes what would be the possible visibility options and what will they show to other profiles (and of course, what they will not)?
  • 4. Posts

    • 4.1. How specific should the dates be for the posts ?
      • 4.1.1. Can the date be different from the moment the post has been sent ?
      • 4.1.2. Should it be mandatory to put dates on posts ?
    • 4.2. How specific should the location be for the posts ?
      • 4.2.1. Can the location on the post be different from the location where the post has been sent ?
      • 4.2.2. Should it be mandatory to put locations on posts ?
    • 4.3. Can the number of bookmarks be seen ?
    • 4.4. Should the authenticated users be able to hide the number of likes and comments on their posts ?
  • 5. Search

    • 5.1. Which information should we give for an animal ?
    • 5.2. Will there be Turkish language support ?
      • 5.2.1. In which languages can the users search the animals (Latin, English, Turkish...)
    • 5.3. What should be included in the search bar?
  • 6. Alerts

    • 6.1. Should there be a limit for alerts even though those who can send alerts are verified users ?
      • 6.1.1. If there should, should it be daily, weekly or monthly ?
  • 7. Verification

    • 7.1. How can we make sure a user is an expert ?
  • 8. Accounts

    • 8.1. Can there be white spaces in a username ?
    • 8.2. Will there be certain password requirements ?
    • 8.3. Can a user use both username and e-mail to login ?
    • 8.4. What happens when a user forgets their password ?
      • 8.4.1. If password reset is possible, how will it be done?
      • 8.4.2. Should there be security questions ?
  • 9. Advertisements

    • 9.1. Will the users be able to advertise ?
  • 10. Feed

    • 10.1. What details will be shown to the user when browsing through posts in the feed?
    • 10.2. Which information will be used to determine the posts on the feed page

Prepared by: Ali Bartu Konca 2021400177