Meeting Note 6 - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki
📅 Date 12.11.2024
✔️ Participant List
- Mehmet Efe AKCA
- Nazire ATA
- Enes BASER
- Cagatay COLAK
- Aslı GOK
- Tarık Can Özden
- Ahmet Enes Semerci
- Atakan YASAR
📑 Agenda
- Split the Lab 6 work
📌 Action Items
- Each team member will work on Lab 6 related tasks. Here is the work-load:
- Aslı will write the meeting note for Lab 6, add copy-code button into code snippets (Frontend)
- Nazire and Çağatay will document 2 user stories.
- Tarık will implement highlighting the 3 low level questions for Beginner experience level user in the tag page (Frontend)
- Atakan will implement highlighting the 3 low level questions for Beginner experience level user in the tag page (Mobile)
- Efe will write PR description, implement copy-code button in the code snippets (Frontend), keyboard shortcuts (UX).
- Enes will implement asking user experience level when signing-up to later use it in user details (Backend).
- Nazire will update the requirements for highlighting the 3 low level questions for Beginner experience level user in the tag page.
- The tasks will be collected in PR#498
➕ Additional Notes
Lab 6 Task description:
- Create a PR dedicated to this lab session where you will link work done in this lab: commits, wiki pages, issues, meeting notes, etc. Start the PR with a commit in a new branch. Then, add commits to the branch, and document all the work in the PR description and comments. The commits should include co-authors, if there are any, see here. The description and comments should include the names of the main contributors related to the linked work. The PR should be finalized today at 8:00 PM.
- Document 2 user stories of a group of people each that would use your system in a specific location (e.g. work, Taiwan), time (e.g. morning), and duration (e.g. 15 minutes). The users need not have names, images, etc., but they should have specific demographics. It's not a single person but a group of people with similar characteristics regarding the user story.
- Substantial commit(s) regarding UX design catered to the above-mentioned user stories.
- Substantial commit(s) regarding UI similarity between the web and mobile versions of the system.