451 Meeting Notes 1 - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki
📅 Date 24.09.2024
✔️ Participant List
- Mehmet Efe AKCA
- Nazire ATA
- Enes BASER
- Cagatay COLAK
- Aslı GOK
- Tarık Can Özden
- Ahmet Enes Semerci
- Atakan YASAR
📑 Agenda
Look up programming language family data from Wikidata.
Choose one standard to adopt from W3C, Web Annotation Data Model, Activity Streams 2.0, or WCAG 2.2.
Update Personal Effort Pages
Update Effort Pages
Organize old wikipages
Archieve old github repo
Update communication plan
Feedbacks about issue and pull request templates
Discussed requirements:
- A feed for followed content and new questions by language
- email/password login for user authentication.
- Posts should include programming language tags, with features for comments, upvotes/downvotes, editing, and deletion by users.
- Allow users to follow and unfollow each other, enabling interaction across the platform.
- Semantic search for direct requirements such as mapping "functional" to functional programming language families, with further exploration of semantic data.
📌 Action Items
- Organized Sidebar
- Organized Homepage
- Updated Communication and General Plan
- Opened issue for templates #322
- Closed expiring issues and branches
- Updated Personal Pages