352 Meeting Notes 8 - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki
📅 Date 04.04.2024
✔️ Participant List
- Mehmet Efe AKCA
- Nazire ATA
- Enes BASER
- Cagatay COLAK
- Aslı GOK
- Boray KASAP
- Yiğit OKTAY
- Yüksel Eren SEN
- Atakan YASAR
📑 Agenda
- Deciding on what the topics of interest shall be
- Division of labor
📌 Action Items
- Class Diagrams
- Assignees: Ufuk, Enes
- Estimated Effort: 4 days
- Objects to be designed: User, Dish, Cuisine, Recipe, Food Type, Rating
- Use Case
- Assignees: Asli
- Estimated Effort: 3 days
- “What” of the system. A set of use cases, actors, and their relationships. Actors: User1, User2
- Sequence Diagram
- Assignees: Cagatay, Boray
- Estimated Effort: 2 days
- Look at the messages sent between objects over time. An interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of the messages.
- Make diagrams for:
- System fetching SparQL queries for the dish, and cuisine pages.
- All use-case diagrams.
- Activity Diagrams
- Assignees: Yigit
- Estimated Effort: 2 days
- Show the workflow and how objects interact with each other. “How” of the system.
- UI Design
- Assignees: Nazire, Mehmet Efe
- Estimated Effort: 3 days
- Components should be designed so that they’re implemented in the first step of the front-end implementation.
- Design pages according to the Requirements using the components in the previous step.
- Implementation Planning
- Will be done together, Reviewer: Atakan
- Estimated Effort: 1 day
- Decide on the code standards, code review process, and quality assurance process.
- Create the boilerplate of frontend and backend repos.
- A proper development setup should be complete.
- The folder structure of each repo should be determined.
- Testing should be integrated with CI.
- If time permits, CD can be considered.
- Versioning and branching should be standardized.
➕ Additional Notes
Any questions about the systems shall be searched in the requirements folder first. If you cannot understand the specifications in the requirements, please make suggestions for the requirements.