352 Meeting Notes 7 - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki

📅 Date 23.03.2024

✔️ Participant List

  • Mehmet Efe AKCA
  • Nazire ATA
  • Enes BASER
  • Cagatay COLAK
  • Aslı GOK
  • Boray KASAP
  • Yiğit OKTAY
  • Yüksel Eren SEN
  • Atakan YASAR

📑 Agenda

  1. Summarizing last week's PS session and lectures
  2. Reflection on the division of tasks for last week, what could we have done better?

📌 Action Items

  1. Enes will send the group a form to decide who wants to work on which aspects of the project.
  2. Nazire will upload the meeting notes.
  3. Less experienced people will do more research about the topics that the professor wrote about in Discord.
  4. The group will decide on a specific time slot to hold face-to-face meetings whenever necessary.

Additional Notes