352 Meeting Notes 2 - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki

📅 Date 24.02.2024

✔️ Participant List

  • Mehmet Efe AKCA
  • Nazire ATA
  • Enes BASER
  • Cagatay COLAK
  • Aslı GOK
  • Boray KASAP
  • Yiğit OKTAY
  • Yüksel Eren SEN
  • Ege USLU
  • Atakan YASAR

📑 Agenda

  1. Summarizing what we did last week, checking if assignments were completed
  2. Going over what we learned in the lecture, improving our repo with their help

📌 Action Items

  1. Reopen the issue about adding a favorite repo. Everyone should pick repos that present a good use of git.
  2. Add personal pages to the dropdown menu (Mehmet Efe Akca, next meeting)
  3. Prepare the meeting notes (Nazire Ata, Tuesday)

Additional Notes

  • Anyone editing the wiki should know that changing the title of a page will break all links to that page. This means that when you change the title of a page, make sure to fix all the links referring to that page!