352 Elicitation Questions - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki
1. General
Who is your target audience for this platform? Are they amateur cooks, professional chefs, food enthusiasts, or someone else?
Answer: Anyone can use the platform
What kindof search functionality do you envision? Should users be able to search by ingredients, cooking time, difficulty level, or other attributes?
Answer: Users should be able to search by ingredients, dish name, ingredients etc.
Will there be an option for users to say I am not interested in this topic?
Answer: Depends on the functionality of the platform
How should recipes be categorized? For example, should they be grouped by cuisine, meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner), dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free), or other criteria ?
Answer: Recipes should be categorized by cusisine, dietary restrictions and type (sweet, salty). One recipe can belong to many categories.
Can users search other users’ profiles ?
Answer: Yes
Should users be able DM other users ?
Answer: No
How should the platform handle user-generated content moderation to ensure the quality and appropriateness of the recipes and comments posted?
Answer: No need for moderation.
If the app is terminated during creating a post(recipe) should we keep a draft of the post ?
Answer: Not necessary
Can users have hidden (private) profiles ?
Answer: No
Can users authenticate using another source such as Google account, Facebook etc.
Answer: Not necessary
Should users be able to block other users ?
Answer: Yes
Should users be able to upload their own profile pictures ?
Answer: Yes
Should we offer users a number of default profile pictures for those who don't want to upload pictures ?
Answer: Not necessary
2. Recipe
What key information should each recipe page display besides the recipe itself (e.g., preparation time, cooking time, nutritional information, serving size)?
Answer: Cooking time, nutritional information, serving size
Can users add pictures or videos to their recipes ?
Answer: Users should be able to add pictures to their recipes however, videos are not necessary.
Do you want users to be able to rate or review recipes? If so, what should the rating system look like (stars, thumbs up/down, numerical scores)?
Answer: Yes, star rating might work well (1 to 5 star rating system)
Can users comment on other people’s recipes ?
Answer: Yes
Should users be able to hide ratings and comments on their recipes ?
Answer: No
Can a user add multiple recipes for one dish ?
Answer: Yes
Should users be able to report posts (recipes) ? If they can, what are some valid reasons to report a recipe ?
Answer: Yes, for example, if two recipes are completely identical (plagiarism) users should be able to report a recipe.
Will the number of bookmarks on a recipe be shown, and can it be hidden?
Answer: Yes, it can not be hidden
Should the platform support user profiles, and if so, what information should these profiles contain and display to other users?
Answer: The should not be an obligatory information session however, users should be able to write a short bio section.
What is the minimum information that should be given to make a recipe ?
Answer: Serving size, ingredients, cooking time
3. User Feed
What posts should we show on the user's feed ?
Answer: High rated recipes should be shown on user's feed
Should users be able to filter posts on their feed ?
Answer: Yes
Will there be any posts from unfollowed users on the feed page? (Similar to the explore page's post, or "you might like these" posts.)
Answer: There should be 2 sections on a user's feed. Following feed and explore feed
Should the users be able to see trending posts on their feed ?
Answer: Not necessary as it will complicate things
Will the app offer advertised recipes (paid posts) ?
Answer: Not necessary
How will the feed page be created if they just made an account ?
Answer: Following feed should be empty
4. Other
- What are the key performance metrics you want to track for the platform (e.g., number of recipes posted, user engagement, page views)?
- Answer: An admin page is not necessary