352 Elicitation Questions - bounswe/bounswe2024group1 GitHub Wiki

1. General

  • Who is your target audience for this platform? Are they amateur cooks, professional chefs, food enthusiasts, or someone else?

  • Answer: Anyone can use the platform

  • What kindof search functionality do you envision? Should users be able to search by ingredients, cooking time, difficulty level, or other attributes?

  • Answer: Users should be able to search by ingredients, dish name, ingredients etc.

  • Will there be an option for users to say I am not interested in this topic?

  • Answer: Depends on the functionality of the platform

  • How should recipes be categorized? For example, should they be grouped by cuisine, meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner), dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free), or other criteria ?

  • Answer: Recipes should be categorized by cusisine, dietary restrictions and type (sweet, salty). One recipe can belong to many categories.

  • Can users search other users’ profiles ?

  • Answer: Yes

  • Should users be able DM other users ?

  • Answer: No

  • How should the platform handle user-generated content moderation to ensure the quality and appropriateness of the recipes and comments posted?

  • Answer: No need for moderation.

  • If the app is terminated during creating a post(recipe) should we keep a draft of the post ?

  • Answer: Not necessary

  • Can users have hidden (private) profiles ?

  • Answer: No

  • Can users authenticate using another source such as Google account, Facebook etc.

  • Answer: Not necessary

  • Should users be able to block other users ?

  • Answer: Yes

  • Should users be able to upload their own profile pictures ?

  • Answer: Yes

  • Should we offer users a number of default profile pictures for those who don't want to upload pictures ?

  • Answer: Not necessary

2. Recipe

  • What key information should each recipe page display besides the recipe itself (e.g., preparation time, cooking time, nutritional information, serving size)?

  • Answer: Cooking time, nutritional information, serving size

  • Can users add pictures or videos to their recipes ?

  • Answer: Users should be able to add pictures to their recipes however, videos are not necessary.

  • Do you want users to be able to rate or review recipes? If so, what should the rating system look like (stars, thumbs up/down, numerical scores)?

  • Answer: Yes, star rating might work well (1 to 5 star rating system)

  • Can users comment on other people’s recipes ?

  • Answer: Yes

  • Should users be able to hide ratings and comments on their recipes ?

  • Answer: No

  • Can a user add multiple recipes for one dish ?

  • Answer: Yes

  • Should users be able to report posts (recipes) ? If they can, what are some valid reasons to report a recipe ?

  • Answer: Yes, for example, if two recipes are completely identical (plagiarism) users should be able to report a recipe.

  • Will the number of bookmarks on a recipe be shown, and can it be hidden?

  • Answer: Yes, it can not be hidden

  • Should the platform support user profiles, and if so, what information should these profiles contain and display to other users?

  • Answer: The should not be an obligatory information session however, users should be able to write a short bio section.

  • What is the minimum information that should be given to make a recipe ?

  • Answer: Serving size, ingredients, cooking time

3. User Feed

  • What posts should we show on the user's feed ?

  • Answer: High rated recipes should be shown on user's feed

  • Should users be able to filter posts on their feed ?

  • Answer: Yes

  • Will there be any posts from unfollowed users on the feed page? (Similar to the explore page's post, or "you might like these" posts.)

  • Answer: There should be 2 sections on a user's feed. Following feed and explore feed

  • Should the users be able to see trending posts on their feed ?

  • Answer: Not necessary as it will complicate things

  • Will the app offer advertised recipes (paid posts) ?

  • Answer: Not necessary

  • How will the feed page be created if they just made an account ?

  • Answer: Following feed should be empty

4. Other

  • What are the key performance metrics you want to track for the platform (e.g., number of recipes posted, user engagement, page views)?
  • Answer: An admin page is not necessary