Scenario: Participate in an Event - bounswe/bounswe2023group7 GitHub Wiki

Ali Orhan


  • Age: 22
  • Job: Student
  • Interests: Swimming, programming


  • Ali studies Mathematics in a university in Istanbul. He likes playing games in his free time. Age of Empires (AoE) is his favorite game and he enjoys AoE a lot, unlike his friends, who usually prefer other games. Ali is a very competitive player and quite easily beats his friends even when he is challenged 1vs2. His friends suggest him to join an AoE event nearby in Istanbul and they tell him about the platform.


  • He wants to search AoE events nearby.
  • He wants to participate in an AoE event in the upcoming weeks.


  • Ali is not a registered user in the platform.
  • There are AoE events in Istanbul in the upcoming weeks.
  • These events are not full.


  1. Ali navigates to the register page of the platform.
  2. Ali completes registration steps.
  3. Ali searchs for "AoE" and filters results for offline events in Istanbul and uses "tournament" tag to find competitive events.
  4. Ali sorts the results by date and finds a good tournament event scheduled for just after his midterm exams.
  5. Ali reads its description and the comments about it.
  6. Ali decides to participate in the tournament.
  7. Ali comments on the event indicating he is excited to join the event and upvotes a comment that he likes.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users shall be able to view events.
  • Users shall be able to join an event if the limit is not passed.
  • Users shall be able to comment on events.
  • Users shall be able to upvote or downvote the comments of the event.
  • Users shall be able to semantically search events.
  • Users shall be able to filter events by date, location, tag and meeting types which are online and offline.
  • Users shall be able to sort events alphabetically, by date, number of attendee limit, number of comments ascending or descending.


  • User signs up.

  • User searches for events that she/he is interested in using the search, filter, and sort functionality. Then he comments using the "comment" button and upvotes the comment he likes.

  • User signs up.

  • User searches for events that she/he is interested in using the search, filter, and sort functionality. Then he comments using the "comment" button and upvotes the comment he likes.

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