Meeting #9 (04.05.2023) - bounswe/bounswe2023group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Details

:date: Date: 4 May 2023
:world_map: Platform: Face-to-face/Discord
:alarm_clock: Time: 18.00 - 19.30
:pencil2: Note Taker: Muhammet Tayyip Kamiloğlu

:busts_in_silhouette: Participants

  • Elif Kızılkaya
  • Hakan Karakuş
  • Furkan Ülke
  • Güney Yüksel
  • Marcel Namyslo
  • Melih Gezer
  • Muhammet Tayyip Kamiloğlu
  • Ömer Şafak Bebek
  • Fatma Sena Alçı
  • Yunus Emre Altuğ
  • Mehmet Tuluyhan Sözen

:clipboard: Agenda

  1. Writing an API function.
  2. Learning GitHub and commit, push, pull requests etc.
  3. Deciding which API function to use.

📣 Discussion Notes

  1. Branch creation naming convention will be like practice-app/feature/.
  2. Frontend template for our website will be talked on the next meeting.
  3. We talked about project folder structure.
    • Routes: a new file (i.e. games.routes.js) will be created for each feature to be added
    • Tests: tests will be collected in this folder (i.e. example.test.js)
    • Controller: Write here the functions that the route filter will use (i.e. example.controller.js)
    • Utils: Mongoose, jest, swagger will be placed under the /utils folder
  4. Public APIs are researched
  5. Everyone add google docs to what you are going to do so there is no conflict.