Individual Contribution Report Template - bounswe/bounswe2023group7 GitHub Wiki

  • Member: (name)

  • Responsibilities:

The overall description of responsibilities assigned to you.

  • Main contributions:

The overall description of your contributions to the project until Customer Milestone 1.

  • Code-related significant issues:

Your issues (that you have resolved or reviewed significantly) that contribute to the code base demonstrated during the demo.

Resolved Issue Reviewed Issue
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  • Management-related significant issues:

Your issues (that you have resolved or reviewed significantly) that contribute to the management of the project.

Resolved Issue Reviewed Issue
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  • Pull requests:

You have created, merged, and reviewed. Please also briefly summarize what the conflict was (if you had any) and how it was resolved regarding the pull requests you have reviewed.

Created PR Conflict How It Resolved
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Merged/Reviewed PR Conflict How It Resolved
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  • Additional information:

Mention any additional task you have performed that is not listed above.