Individual Contribution Report (Mehmet Tuluyhan Sözen) - bounswe/bounswe2023group7 GitHub Wiki

Member: Name Surname


In the first week, the task of preparing a personal page template was given. Additionally, I was given the task of creating a personal page and researching my favorite GitHub repository/API.
I was given the task of researching similar projects and APIs so that we could better understand the project we had to do.
I was given the task of taking the notes of the meeting two and editing them and uploading them to GitHub.
I was given the task of providing our communication plan on Wiki Page
I was given the task of electing user requirements.
I was given the task of researching semantic search and uploading it to GitHub.
I was given the task of designing home page mockup for mobile devices.
I was given the task of designing profile page mockup for mobile devices.
I was given the task of designing login and sign in page mockup for mobile devices.
I was given the task of writing scenario for mockups.
I was given the task of designing event pages mockup for mobile devices.
I was given the task of designing group pages mockup for mobile devices.
I was given the task of designing game pages mockup for mobile devices.
I was given the task of revising all mobile mockup designs.
The task of preparing the Individual Contribution Report draft was given.

Main Contributions

My Contributions Link to Work Duration Related Issues
I added personal information, skills and interests, contact info, and contributions part. Mehmet Tuluyhan Sözen 30 minutes #1
I researched a GitHub repository and added it to Wiki. Favourite Repository 120 minutes #3
I took the notes of the meeting two and edited them and uploaded them to GitHub. Meeting 2 40 minutes #21
I wrote our communication plan and uploaded on Wiki Page. Communication Plan 2 40 minutes #29
I elected user requirements. Requirements 60 minutes #37
I researched about semantic search and uploaded the report. Requirements 90 minutes #43
I researched and analyzed for all mobile device mockups. I learned to design with figma and studied the interfaces of popular applications. Mockup 16 hour #49 #50 #94 #99 #112 #117 #121

Management Related Significant Issues


Additional Information (optional)

I had never used figma before and I had never done mobile design. It took me a long time to learn for mockups