Individual Contribution Report (Kardelen Erdal) - bounswe/bounswe2023group7 GitHub Wiki

Member: Kardelen Erdal


In my first week, I tried to get to know our group and learn about our project since I was a new team member. I reviewed the diagrams checked the old requirements in Wiki.
I created my profile page for Wiki and added it to sidebar and home page.
I searched about mobile application technologies on the Internet and we had a meeting with mobile team to discuss. I mostly searched Flutter and React communities.
I was assigned to task of revising class diagram with other team members. We discussed and revised the class diagram according to the feedbacks and new requirements.
I created a new channel in Discord and a Whatsapp group for Mobile subteam communication.
I took notes and wrote Meeting #2 Notes.
I searched on the Internet whether we need Dockerization in Mobile environment or not. We had a meeting with mobile team.
We had a face to face meeting with mobile team to design Mobile Page Structure. I first reviewed mockups from previous semesters and then we started to implement the home page. We also discussed about color theme and design of the mobile application.
We created the folder "mobile" and initialized the application inside it.
I implemented log in and sign up pages of Mobile Application.
I was assigned the task of Adding Annotation to Sequence Diagram. I first learned about sequence diagrams and designed 3 new diagrams about annotations.
Before Milestone 1 Presentation, we met face to face and create a creative user scenario and presentation. In the presentation, I presented the introduction part and also presented the log in, sign up and home page of mobile application.
I changed log in page style after the design is finalized by both mobile and frontend teams.
I searched about sending and receiving data using http in Flutter. I created API Service using http library for login and signup to connect to backend API.
I added splash screen into the mobile application after our logo and color theme are finalized.
I added a sidebar with log in/out buttons to the mobile application which shows if the user is logged in or not. I implemented userProvider class for general usage.
We created .apk file for Milestone 1 deliverables. I updated file of mobile folder with instructions and links about how to download and use our application.
I took notes and wrote Meeting #5 Notes.
I have written Lab Report #3.
I conducted research on Flutter and Dart to use in our development.
I reviewed and tested the tasks done by the mobile team.

Main Contributions

I usually spent my time learning features of Flutter and mobile development in general. As a team, we first worked on implementing the home page from scratch and creating our folders. After the design is reviewed with the frontend team, I was responsible for changing the log in page according to our decisions and connect log in and sign up buttons to the backend API. I implemented a splash screen for our application. I was assigned to task of implementing a sidebar in the home page which shows you if you're logged in or not. To this end, I needed a search on Flutter libraries (ChangeNotifier). We also created .apk file for deliverables and I wrote our application's guide in file. I attended all lectures, labs, mobile and general team meetings.

Code-related Significant Issues

My Contributions Duration Related Issues
Mobile Page Structure Design 4 hours #271
Designing home page for mobile 2 hours #274
Folder Structure Design for mobile 30 minutes #287
Revision of Implementation of Mobil Login Page 3 hours #314
Implementation of Mobil Loading Spinner 2 hours #315
Sidebar in Home Page of Mobile 2 hours #356
Creating .apk for mobile application and updating 45 minutes #365
Learning Process for Flutter Whole semester #282

Management Related Significant Issues

My Contributions Duration Related Issues
Profile Page for Wiki 45 minutes #234
Deciding technologies to be used in the implementation for mobile 1 hour #240
Revising class diagram from previous semester 2 hours #241
Mobile organization for communication and management 30 minutes #252
Dockerization for mobile environment 30 minutes #269
Writing Meeting Notes for 11.10 Meeting 45 minutes #253
Adding Annotation to Sequence Diagram 2 hours #276
Preparation of Presentation Scenerio 1.5 hours #305

Pull Requests

Pull Request
Implemented splash screen and added colors: #325
API service for log in and sign up and changed style of login page: #342
Sidebar with the username and the log in/out button: #357
Created Mobile file with explanation of how to run our application in an Android device and the download link: #368