Use Case: Search Polls - bounswe/bounswe2023group4 GitHub Wiki

Primary Actor: User

Goal in Context: The user wants to search for polls by tag, username, or keyword.


  • No preconditions are required for this use case.

Trigger: The user decides to look for a poll.

Main Success Scenario:

  • The user selects the search option from the Prediction Polls app.
  • The app displays the search page, which includes options to search by tag, username, or keyword.
  • The user selects the desired search option.
  • The user enters the search query into the search bar.
  • The app searches the database for polls that match the search query.
  • If a poll matches the search query, the app displays the poll as a result.
  • If no polls match the search query, the app displays an empty result message.


  • If the user enters an invalid search query, the app displays an error message and prompts the user to try again.
  • If the search function is temporarily unavailable, the app displays an error message and prompts the user to try again later.

Priority: Medium

Frequency of use: Frequent

Channels to Actor: The user interacts with the Prediction Polls app via a PC, smartphone, or tablet.