Individual Contribution Report (Ali Alperen Sönmez) - bounswe/bounswe2023group4 GitHub Wiki


  • Name: Ali Alperen Sönmez
  • Student Number: 2020400354
  • Group: 4 (B2)


I was responsible for:

  1. Creating my "who I am" and "favorite repository" pages.
  2. Reorganizing Wiki structure for increased readability.
  3. Developing a grading solution for continuous polls and documenting the corresponding requirements.
  4. Formulating the necessary requirements for awarding users who report illegal content.
  5. Logging the notes of a meeting.
  6. Creating "point system sequence diagram".
  7. Revising the sequence diagrams for the "Moderator-Jury system," "Profile system," and "Point system".

Main contributions:

Contribution Related Issue(s)
Creating introductory pages #1 #11
Reorganizing Wiki structure #10
Developing a solution for continious grading #30
Requirements for awarding the user who reported illegal content #44
Logging the notes of a meeting #39
Creating "Point system" sequence diagram #55
Revising half of the sequence diagrams #57

Management-related significant issues:

  1. I documented feedback on our mock-ups, which included notes from problem-solving sessions, and shared them with my team.
  2. I distributed the sequence diagrams for revision. Refer to the issue: #57
  3. I logged the notes of a meeting. Refer to the issue: #39