Research - bounswe/bounswe2023group3 GitHub Wiki



Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • I think the idea behind the protocol is beautiful.
    • Even though the project started as a single developers work, after getting popular it became community owned and now operates with many people's work in an organized way.
  • It utilizes pull requests for new features.
  • It uses releases feature so that people don't have to build the project on their own and can just download a pre-built image.

You can check out the ord repo here.

Esad Yusuf Atik



Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • I think this repo is very useful for our daily lives.
    • In today's conditions, e-book economy is very large and the security of the books became much more importance

You can check out the EbookFoundation repo here.

Sait Hızlı

XSS Payload List by payloadbox


Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • Since there are many ways to implement websites with different languages, for testing this vulnerability, it makes things easier for cyber security professionals' work.
    • Also it helps developers for checking their own code about security aspects.

You can check out this list along with the others here.

Ozan Oytun Karakaya



Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • The project has many contributers, and makes good use of its issues.
    • It provides many resources related to the project, and is well documented.

You can check out the tenserflow repo here.

Hatice Serra Hakyemez



Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • Using Redis for caching is a considerable impact on decreasing response time of HTTP requests and increasing productivity.
    • Redis is a widely used repository by the companies that have millions of consumers around the world such as GitHub, StackOverflow, Snapchat and Twitter.

You can check out the Redis repo here.

Batuhan Çetin



Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • I believe that every developer(and of course cmpe students) should have a tool at hand to use for problems which require fast development which is why Flutter is a perfect choice.
    • Its community is huge and you can find answers for almost all your questions.
    • Flutter is also quite beginner-friendly and people with very little coding background can easily adapt.
    • However, there are some very detailed features that you cannot implement without a native development environment and for heavily performance-dependent applications it might not be the best choice.

You can check out the Flutter repo here.

Alp Tuna

Public APIs


Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • This repo allows software developers find an appropriate API for their application quickly.
    • Anyone can contribute by creating new pull requests to add new APIs and they can create issues to remove some APIs if they are no longer in service.

You can check out the Public APIs repo here

Simar Ahmet Kechagia



Comments on the repo

  • My reasons for choosing this repo
    • Koreader presents file explorer which is a great need for many book reader including Kobo Clara HD.
    • It is developed by a large community and gets better with constantly approved pull requests.
    • Well documented

You can check out the KOREADER repo here

Ali Üçer

Clean Code JavaScript


It can be argued that a code that only its owner is able to understand is not much help in a team environment. Not only one’s other teammates, but there may be times that one is unable to comprehend his/her own work years later. At this point, it is important to understand that a developer needs to read his/her code very frequently, and developing understandable and high quality code is a major skill that one should acquire. CleanCode repository is about the software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code, adapted for JavaScript. This repository includes a guide for producing readable, reusable, and refactorable code in JavaScript. It is also kindly reminded that not every principle here has to be strictly followed, and even fewer will be universally agreed upon. These are guidelines and nothing more, but they are ones codified over many years of collective experience by the authors of Clean Code.

Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • I believe that a code written in a ‘clean’ manner provides great help, and it is a must-learn skill for developers. So, I think this repository is useful for so many developers, including myself.
    • I also like that it is very inclusive since the translations for most of the other languages are available.
  • Some remarks:
    • In my opinion, the repo would have been more organized and practical if Wiki were used for documenting the content instead of keeping them all in the README page. It would be much easier to navigate and find a specific topic.
    • Issues on the repo do not contain detailed explanations about the problems, and issue titles are usually very short and ambiguous. Also, most of the time, they are not assigned to any users.

You can check out the Clean Code JavaScript repo here.

Beyza Akçınar

Logisim Evolution


Comments on the repo

  • I liked this repo for the following reasons:

    • As they introduced some universal keyboard shortcuts, it is very fast to use it compared to similar purpose apps.
    • Its UI is so clear, it has the most beautiful, understandable and simple UI to have for its requirements.
    • The application is so easy to install. Just a few clicks. (if appropriate version of JRE is installed)
    • It has a community (not big but enough)
    • The isssues page of the repo has clear tags. They are detailed enough but there is no overhead.
  • I would be more happy if the following features were there:

    • There may be some interface to set some syntactic rules to handle variable naming/format of the verilog to be generated from the graphical design.
    • Maybe there should be a shortcut to wire up some huge circuit elements with an array of elements. For example connecting a 32x1 multiplexer with an array of register.

You can check out the repo here.

Faruk Yıldırım



Sqlboiler is an orm(Object Relational Mapping) tool for Golang that provides a good interface for database queries. It helps software engineers run database queries and provides mocking functionalities for the queries for testing. Also, It is compatible with many databases. To use it, first, you need to use a migration tool that generates go structs from the database schema.

Comments on the repo

  • I chose this repo for a few reasons:
    • First time I met with it, it made me very happy because it saved my days.
    • Testing is much easier when using this kind of package.

You can check out the repo here

Muhammet Batuhan İlhan