Individual Contribution Report 2 Batuhan Çetin - bounswe/bounswe2023group3 GitHub Wiki

Important Issues Related to the Practice Application

  • #73: I made some research and I decided to develop a meal app where people make reviews about dishes.
  • #74: I added some unit tests.

Third-Party URIs

I decided to use The Meal Db. It includes many meals from many different areas, their photographs, and their instructions. I used getRandomMeal functionality of the external API. It fetches a random meal from the database. I used test apikey that is 1.

API Functions

I implemented 2 GET and 1 POST api calls. One of the GET call is /meal/getRandomMeal endpoint fetches a random meal from the external api. Another GET api call is /meal/reviews endpoint fetches the reviews that is sent through the post request. POST api call is /meal/reviews/ endpoint is used for sending reviews to the local database through form that includes name of the user, name of the mail and the review.

Unit Tests

Sample Calls

My Contributions

  • I created my practice app and endpoints.
  • I added unit tests for my endpoints.
  • I setup swagger documentation to the practice app of my group.
  • I took notes of our meetings about practice app and published them.


I've developed backend before in other languages such as JavaScript and C# but I've never developed in Python and Django is little bit different from the frameworks I used before. The process of learning and implementing Django is little difficult. Also I have too little experience in frontend development and creating user interface is challenging for me.