Cahid Enes Keleş Milestone 2 Member Contribution - bounswe/bounswe2023group2 GitHub Wiki

Cahid Enes Keleş

Links to Important Issues and Wikis

The Name, Route, Description of Utilized Third Party URI

The Name, Route, and Description of The Created API Functions

  • /add/resource: POST with json body: Add resource to the database
  • /add/need: POST with json body: Add need to the database
  • /add/event: POST with json body: Add event to the database
  • /add/action: POST with json body: Add action to the database
  • /get/resource: GET: get the list of resources
  • /get/need: GET: get the list of needs
  • /get/event: GET: get the list of events
  • /get/action: GET: get the list of actions
  • /get/resource?id=<id>: GET: Get resource with id
  • /get/need?id=<id>: GET: Get need with id
  • /get/event?id=<id>: GET: Get event with id
  • /get/action?id=<id>: GET: Get action with id
  • /delete/resource?id=<id>: GET: Delete resource with id
  • /delete/need?id=<id>: GET: Delete need with id
  • /delete/event?id=<id>: GET: Delete event with id
  • /delete/action?id=<id>: GET: Delete action with id

Note: The parameters of the POST requests can be seen and be tested in docs: Swagger or Redoc. Note that these documentations also include UI endpoints as well.

Description of Unit Tests

For each combination of (resource, need, event, action) and (add, get, delete) there are related tests, there is no API endpoint that have not any unit test. There are total of 70 unit tests (and 1 mock test to cleanup).

For add tests, there are

  • Full arguments tests
  • Only required arguments tests
  • 1 required argument missing tests for each required argument (should fail)

For get tests, there are

  • Empty list tests
  • At least 3 tests
  • ID tests
  • Unpresent ID tests (should return null)

For delete tests, there are

  • ID tests
  • Unpresent ID tests

An example test is as follows:

    def test_full_arguments(self):
        r ='{api_prefix}/add/resource', json={
            "type": "food",
            "location": "1234",
            "notes": "this resource is here for a test",
            "updated_at": "2020-04-01T12:00:00Z",
            "is_active": True,
            "upvotes": 0,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "creator_id": "test",
            "creation_date": "2020-04-01T12:00:00Z",
            "condition": "good",
            "quantity": 1
        # test response uuid
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
        uuid = r.text[1:-1]
        self.assertTrue(uuid4regex.match(uuid), f'uuid {uuid} does not match regex {uuid4regex.pattern}')
        return uuid

Sample Calls

Two types of requests have two different use of calls. POST requests require a json body, while (some of) GET requests require inline parameters. For each type of requests, the example is as follows:

import requests

uri = ''

# POST Request Example
response = + '/add/resource', json={
    "type": "Food",
    "location": "Istanbul",
    "notes": "This is a test resource",
    "updated_at": "12.05.2023",
    "is_active": True,
    "upvotes": 0,
    "downvotes": 0,
    "creator_id": "293874",
    "creation_date": "12.05.2023",
    "condition": "New",
    "quantity": 1

print('Headers:', response.headers)
print('Status Code:', response.status_code)
print('Json:', response.json())

# GET Request Example
response = requests.get(uri + '/get/resource?id=' + response.json())
print('Headers:', response.headers)
print('Status Code:', response.status_code)
print('Json:', response.json())

And the output is:

Headers: {'date': 'Fri, 12 May 2023 20:17:48 GMT', 'server': 'uvicorn', 'content-length': '38', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
Status Code: 200
Json: 787d8f8a-c9df-4fcc-b5fa-5c8d860dc630

Headers: {'date': 'Fri, 12 May 2023 20:17:48 GMT', 'server': 'uvicorn', 'content-length': '268', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
Status Code: 200
Json: {'uuid': '787d8f8a-c9df-4fcc-b5fa-5c8d860dc630', 'type': 'Food', 'location': 'Istanbul', 'notes': 'This is a test resource', 'updated_at': '12.05.2023', 'is_active': True, 'upvotes': 0, 'downvotes': 0, 'creator_id': '293874', 'creation_date': '12.05.2023', 'condition': 'New', 'quantity': 1}

Any Other Significant Work Related to This Release

I initially thought that we should make the dockerization and deployment by ourselves, and I did all these things. Here is the API that I deployed myself: (later I merged my code with shared code and docker and amazon server) The Dockerfile and other files related to the dockerization and deployment are deleted. But you can see these files in the history. As backend, I (and we) used fastapi. As database, I used PostgreSQL.

Challanges I Met

There were a lot of new things to learn in a short time, that was very very challenging. I initially tried to use MongoDB for database. I worked very hard and melted down 5 hours just struggling and I was failed. This was very depressing for me. But I recovered tomorrow, and used PostgreSQL (with the suggestions of my teammates: it is better if we could use the advantages of different types of databases).